Most Christians believe they are saved by grace, but many live as though their salvation is dependent upon how they live. Unfortunately a sneaking mindset of serving in order to stay...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 10/23/2019
We have all been there, SET FREE and then before you know it you feel like you've been sucker punched in the face. It could be: -Relational- A fractured relationship-Financial-...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
These highly interactive seminars/workshops provide women with biblical principles needed to use their emotions to benefit themselves and glorify God. Women will learn:The correct...
Christian women may feel like they're swimming upstream in a downstream world. Standing for Jesus can be challenging in today's culture, and it can be easy to lose our...
Posted by Robin R King on 07/29/2019
We know that God loves us, but we still feel unloved. How can that be? We hear that God loves us, yet our lives do not change, our wounds do not heal, and we continue to feel...
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Next Women’s Conference!Are you feeling overwhelmed by the storms of everyday life? Do the swirling chaos and busyness steal your joy, peace, and...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 06/21/2019
I lived through attempting suicide in 2005 and survived a husband who committed suicide in 2012. I gently guide others in how to work through their feelings that both of these situations...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
To have faith, we need to take action. That could be stepping out and believing before we can see the fruits. That could be confessing with our mouth before feeling the results. It...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019
Why is it important to be able to say "Hallelujah" in the hard times? Because some times, some days, some seasons of our lives it all feels hard. But God never changes and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019
Session OneHaving A Growing Hunger For GodSession TwoRefuse To Be OffendedSession ThreeHow To e Obedient To The Spirit...
Posted by Joani Tabor on 05/23/2019
Women love chocolate and romance. Book polls clearly show that the majority of fictional love novels are purchased by women because they promise a forever love. Thus, the question...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 04/30/2019
The trenches of new parenthood can be rough. Mary Katherine has been there. From the changes in your body to the struggles of postpartum depression, women can often feel lost in their...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019