Redeemed is a mix of personal and Biblical stories that will remind even the most weary heart to continue on their journey. Stand firm in God's redemption plan to live a...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
Each morning, the dawn of the new day holds the promise of a royal rendezvous for us. Why? Because our Father is The King of Kings. We are The Lord's princesses.We all want to...
Way too often women let fear, insecurity and the comparison trap hold them back from experiencing all that the Lord has for them. The result is unfulfilled dreams and untapped potential....
Posted by Lori Militello on 12/10/2018
Women Who Rock Their World - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....
FEARLESS – Living with Greater Passion, Purpose & Power Session 1: Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear Using humor and personal stories, Danna explores why women...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/20/2018
Through the account in Mark 5 of the woman with the issue of bleeding and Jairus's daughter, this message is a discovery of God's desire to heal our plagues (mental, emotional,...
Posted by Tammy Sinclair on 11/07/2018
With a dynamic, storytelling style, Tina highlights our spiritual need for Christ as our Shepherd in life. Though we struggle with our dependence, we may find freedom and security...
With dynamic, engaging style, Tina combines personal relevance and clinical insights to guide audiences to live with freedom and peace. She offers practical tips to cope with stress...
How do you get out of bed when you feel like life is beating you down? Do you ever wonder why we arecontinually going through struggles and life is such a challenge?Debbie has spent...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/17/2018
The first step is helping women life the life God intends them to live is to help them break free from regrets that hold them back. Stoppe says, It's time to get victory over that...
All parents fear what could happen to their daughters in a #MeToo world. We know sexual predators are out there, and we don't really know where. We would love to have the tools...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 08/23/2018
Growing in a prayer life is the most satisfying empowerment a person can experience. So why don't we do it? Learn how prayer can change your life, bring you closer to God and what...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018