Don't carry your past regrets, failures, hurts any longer on your shoulders. Allow what was meant for evil to turn for good. Walk into Freedom! We will explore Genesis and the...
Posted by Angela Chambers on 01/30/2024
Are you stuck in the past? We all have regrets! We all sin and fail and experience disappointment, fear, and defeat. But God promises a new thing for His people! God's people...
Posted by Robin R King on 07/23/2023
Have you experienced regrets or failures that seem to prevent you from reaching your full potential? Regrets can be powerful barriers to personal growth and achieving our full potential. They...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/15/2023
Wisdom for Today's Woman (Life Principles from Esther)Today many woman feel overwhelmed by the issues they face—How should they make decisions they won’t regret, deal...
With a million things on your To-do List and more being added every moment it can happen. You can easily end up with pink socks. Rayna offers a unique perspective on how living...
Posted by Rayna Neises on 08/02/2022
If we avoid identifying the shame and live a life filled with regrets frm the past our future will continue to elude us....
With 30 years as a speaker and author (of 8 books), Rhonda effectively shares with Christian authors/speakers/creatives the secrets she's discovered through her decades of...
Women Who Rock Their World - Becoming More Influential Than You Ever Dreamed Possible - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought...
When is the last time you felt completely at ease walking into a room, an opportunity, or in the face of opposition? As beings created for community, collaboration, and compassion...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
"I am so excited to teach this message to your women!" Rhonda offers relatable, exciting stories and biblical principles to help audiences learn how their ordinary lives...
ONLINE HOST PRAISE: "Rhonda blew us away! Her stories were riveting, her strategies practical and her presentation style enjoyable and heartwarming"All of Rhonda's...
We have all believed lies about ourselves, sometimes packing them away in a backpack or suitcase, and carrying them around on a daily basis. Ammie was not only carrying around...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019