God has wired us to desire knowing our purpose. You will discover that finding your purpose is not difficult, regardless of your life stage.There are certain essential truths about...
Posted by Rhonda Martin on 08/26/2024
Let's be real! I am more concerned with helping your heart heal, than how your flesh feels!Galatians 5:22-26 GNTD[22] But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
A sign that your heart still needs Jesus surgery: when a cynical perspective has become your normal way of thinking. â€Philippians 4:8-9 GNTD‬My part: A. I must participate [8]...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
In this teaching, Melissa discusses a topic that is relevant for many women who constantly battle this internal question. When we wrestle with the thoughts of "Am I good...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 08/10/2024
I will motivate, inspire and engage audiences. Lead people in meaningful worship and praise and empower them to be their best selves through Christ Jesus....
Posted by Janice Samuel-Powell on 08/05/2024
"If there's anything I can do, let me know" is just the start of really helping your friend, whether they are going through cancer, acting as a caregiver, or navigating...
Posted by Marla Hartson on 08/02/2024
It is written THUS IT IS POSSIBLE, that there will be men who will love their wife “as though loving their own body,” Ephesians 5: 28. They do exist. On the...
Why do we neglect our brokenness? We may deny having brokenness, we may despise it, or maybe we view it as a deficiency. What if we allowed our brokenness to be a blessing?...
Posted by Staci Pealock on 06/18/2024
Jesus used the Psalms not just as a memorization activity; he experienced them when he sang Psalm 118 before going to the Garden of Gethsemane and quoted from Psalms 22 and 31...
God taught Marla three secrets to fighting the terror that comes with a cancer diagnosis: praise, thankfulness and laughter. Marla seeks to encourage cancer patients, survivors,...
Posted by Marla Hartson on 06/04/2024
What right does anyone have to tell a cancer patient they should praise God while going through chemo treatment? Marla has the right, because that's what God told her to do. She...
Posted by Marla Hartson on 06/04/2024
Choose to live life better — not bitter! Based on Audrey's new book, The Girl Who Learned to Live Life Better and the biblical wisdom of choosing better in life...