As Daughter's of the King, we are called "Beloved", but at times the distractions of this world can make us question who we are and where are worth lies.Based on the...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 05/25/2023
In this SOUL FREEING talk, Linette shares how God has actually given us the POWER of the HOLY NO! When we activate this concept, it will help us to cut out distractions, eliminate...
In this FUN & REAL talk, I unpack my “SECRET PLANS” method to actually get stuff done, avoid those time robbers that create “sink holes” in our...
How does one have quiet talks with God? I believe that quiet talks with God is spending time constantly with Him and being aware of His presence.Quiet talks with God is your daily...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 08/05/2021
How can we experience peace and stillness in a spinning out-of-control world? Discover how to seek God's presence and develop a rich devotional life in a time that is cluttered...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 01/28/2021
While it’s not always in our nature to press the pause button, we will go counter cultural in this teaching as we power down electronically in order to power up spiritually....
Posted by Donna Lott on 09/14/2019
Have you ever been that person who is engaged in something and then "Squirrel!" you are suddenly looking at the shiny thing that just gleamed or you are so busy doing what...
Peg's brings Martha and Mary to life so we can almost hear the voice of Jesus speaking love to them. Come ready to look at the distractions detouring your life, and discover true...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 02/20/2018
Easily distracted? How can we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus when life is so busy? How do we maintain our focus with so much chaos surrounding us? Despite life's distractions, you'll...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 08/30/2017
In our world of social media it’s all too easy to be connected yet live unconnected. With God. With other believers. With family. With friends. Using Jesus’ teaching in...
Posted by Donna Jones on 08/24/2017
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,- James 1:19Listening is vital for every relationship, whether...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/03/2017