While it’s not always in our nature to press the pause button, we will go counter cultural in this teaching as we power down electronically in order to power up spiritually. We will unplug from the world and plunge into the Word and turn off external distractions so we can tune in to the voice of the One who knows us best and loves us most. In other words, we will press the pause button as we press into the presence of the Lord.
SELAH is a Hebrew word that means to pause or reflect. Found many times in the book of Psalms or Habakkuk, God stops us and says, “Before you continue reading, pause and let My words be absorbed into your soul.” And in this teaching, we are going to see that there is power in pausing. Before you continue walking through whatever circumstance or stage of life you’re in right now, pause and absorb. If we as women are going to have strength and courage, peace and faith, we will have to learn to press the pause button. We pause not to “do nothing”, but to engage with the One who holds us, both figuratively and literally, in His very hands.