Why do we neglect our brokenness? We may deny having brokenness, we may despise it, or maybe we view it as a deficiency. What if we allowed our brokenness to be a blessing?...
Posted by Staci Pealock on 06/18/2024
Deep roots take time and intentionality to develop, but then serve us well through the storms of life. In this session, Jodi shares the three biggest growth inhibitors along with her...
Based on the 2023 new release book, Are You Listening?, this presentation helps women identify the expectations that block their view of God and challenges them to seek Him in new...
Have you ever wondered what God wants to do in your life, even worrying that time is slipping away without purpose? So often we fall into the BUSYNESS trap, chasing accomplishments...
Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/29/2023
Never question in the valley what God has clearly shown you from the mountain peak!God desires to give us guidance, leading us in the good paths He has for us to walk in. He often...
When the winds come and the storms arrive will you be able to withstand? How deep are your spiritual roots? Why is it important to be rooted in the Word? Please join Yvonne as...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 09/20/2022
Father loves you. A Hero can save you. Restore you. Your HERO is seeking your heart. Do you need to be restored? In this program, you'll be restored, be given a second...
A storm is on the horizon. Rain. A life changing event. There will always be a storm. Rain will fall sooner or later. Events that we have no control over. This program will...
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
What if you fix your eyes upon Jesus? Never taking your eyes off Jesus? How will that change your life?Learn how to do life with Jesus and let Him carry your burdens for you....
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
Psalms 27 The One Thing I love how the word of God falls fresh on us when we are still long enough for it to do so. I was struck by David's words in Psalms 27....
Posted by Laura Sommons on 08/02/2022