Marrying under God's love, guidance and covenant is everything! It’s the only way. I dive into 1 Corinthians 13 and other biblical scriptures of God's Love exemplified...
Posted by Janice Burton on 08/30/2022
Gearing up for a great marriage is exciting and must involve proper marriage planning. Marriage planning (versus wedding planning) should be the priority. I offer my P.L.A.N. strategy...
Posted by Janice Burton on 08/30/2022
Properly planning for marriage is crucial. Some engaged couples spend more time planning the wedding. I encourage them to spend lots of time on self-assessment and introspection...
Posted by Janice Burton on 08/29/2022
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America ( Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
Understanding the unique purpose and power of a woman in modern society is a 21st century challenge of epic proportions. Cultural stereotypes have historically kept millions of women...
Daily we face a push and pull tension between the ways of the world guided by the enemy and the ways of God guided by the Holy Spirit as modeled by Christ. Let Tanya help your audience...
Wisdom for Today's Woman (Life Principles from Esther)Today many woman feel overwhelmed by the issues they face—How should they make decisions they won’t regret, deal...
Reaching Higher! (Abraham—Tools God Uses to Grow Our Faith)Do you wish you had a stronger, more vibrant faith? By tracing the ups and downs of Abraham's relationship with...
Grow! (Essentials for Pursuing God)Do you long to grow closer to God? This is His desire for you, too. Sadly, many Christians live in the valleys of life, struggling with habits and...
THRIVE—No Matter What! (Joseph—Life’s Pits and God’s Purposes)Have you ever asked, “God, where are You? What are You doing? How can I cope?” Like...
Lord, Flip My House (Inner Transformation)Do you love watching decorating shows on T.V.? Do you marvel at the changes that can happen in the right hands? Have you ever thought...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
Jesus said: "Do not worry about your not worry about tomorrow." Really?Discover 4 keys to conquering Worry & Fear!Prudent thinking is not the same as Persistent...