"What if I told you God has a plan for your life––yes YOUR life?" asks Rhonda Stoppe. "What if you could know that plan and learn to walk in it? That...
Heidi Baker says she can tell when the children she has adopted embrace their new family. It's when they stop asking permission for what is already theirs. As believers in Christ,...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/30/2017
Easily distracted? How can we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus when life is so busy? How do we maintain our focus with so much chaos surrounding us? Despite life's distractions, you'll...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 08/30/2017
On Healing: People crave to be happy and free. I see this everyday in my work. Yet God isn’t simply about fixing people or problems. He desires first to heal fractures in...
Posted by Janet Tatum on 08/29/2017
Is your marriage a smoldering fire?Simple solutions to an everyday rut in your marriage. A self help guide along with other helpful information to bring you back to the love and dating...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017
TARGET AUDIENCE: Women Ages: teens, young adults, mature womenRoles: Singles, Married, and Divorced(Can be catered to a targeted audience)POSSIBLE FORMATS: Workshops, seminars,...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017
What really happened when we first encountered God? We didn’t catch him off guard. I will show you the path that God prepared for you before you were ever born . . . the path...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 08/29/2017
Who does God say you are and what has He called you to be and do? The mighty power of God created you to be a unique being! Using the word of God as the plumbline, Sherry...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/25/2017
This conference is based on Biblical principles that Ginger has learned through the trials that she has experienced. Because of the difficult circumstances God has taken Ginger through,...
Posted by Ginger Millermon on 08/25/2017
In this conference Ginger addresses what it looks like to live life in light of the Gospel. Because through His divine power, "He has given us everything we need for...
Posted by Ginger Millermon on 08/25/2017
Be still. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? How is it possible to be still when our lives are filled with chaos, troubles, trials, burdens, fears, worries,...
Posted by Twila Belk on 08/24/2017
It’s easy to get fired up about our faith when it’s new, or we see God move in miraculous ways. But what happens when faith becomes routine, life gets messy, or circumstances...
Posted by Donna Jones on 08/24/2017