Embrace Your Power, Authenticity, Resilience, and LeadershipJoin Cheryl for a transformative journey into the heart of womanhood with P.E.A.R.L. - where each letter stands for:P -...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 09/27/2017
Storms of the soul can threaten the very core of our faith. Discover how to hear God’s voice above the thunder, protect yourself from the lightning, and hold on despite the wind.………Most...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 09/13/2017
In our world of social media it’s all too easy to be connected yet live unconnected. With God. With other believers. With family. With friends. Using Jesus’ teaching in...
Posted by Donna Jones on 08/24/2017
I grew up with a bully. Her name was Nancy. She was my mother. "Good thing they didn't have sex testing when I was pregnant with you," Nancy tells me. "Oh,...
Posted by Jodie Randisi on 08/23/2017
Many have been through hard times. Some situations have involved unimaginable pan. I tried to ignore my situation for years until God put me in a position to Face My Giants. IExcerpt...
Posted by Jeannie Kirkpatrick on 08/05/2017
Now, more than ever, women need encouragement as they deal with the common stresses in life. However, it’s difficult to be encouraged when they feel rejected or isolated...
Posted by Janice Pender on 08/01/2017
This conference is a must for each believer, as we will never come to Christ or fulfill His call on our lives without the power of the Holy Spirit operating in us. Below are some of...
Posted by Paula Harris on 07/27/2017
Road Trip with God: Embrace the JourneyIsaiah 30:21 – Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘this is the way;...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
What does it mean to hide? The World Book definition for hide is to conceal, cover-up, to keep a secret. Many women have been hurt in childhood, but have no idea how they are...
What makes epic stories epic? Why does there seem to be such a longing for epic heroes these days, from our movies to our daily news? What is the lure of story, and why do we all want...
Can toddlers serve God? How about teenagers? Why would we make the effort, given that just getting them to church is like training for Ironman? Serving with our children, at any age,...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 04/25/2017
Are you exhausted from trying to find your own solutions to life’s problems, depending on yourself alone? Do you struggle to control...