Learning to let go of our past, our pain, and the things that haunt us and hold us back. We must take charge, be strong, and live confident and purposefully! 1. Letting Go - Learn...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016
Millennials are making an exodus from the church, so what is behind their seeming disinterest in God? If we're passionate about understanding the next generation, we have to know...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 01/08/2016
Is busyness, stress or too many responsibilities robbing you of joy? Perhaps you find it a challenge to maintain a sense of passion and purpose amidst the hectic pace of your daily...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/02/2015
Too often, we fall into a daily routine and may question God's purpose for us. This presentation explores individual gifts and passions as well as strategies to stay on course....
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
Perfect for caregivers, this presentation will address methods to refresh and refill the body, mind and spirit with God's compassionate love....
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
Too many times, we face confrontations with friends and colleagues. How do we express our feelings in a Christ like caring and compassionate way? This presentation will share methods...
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
How do we balance power and compassion as a leader at work or at home? Are we called to be leaders? This retreat will look closely at our gifts and passions as well as give insight...
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
"All of us will experience seasons of trials. It's where we turn for strength that defines us in such times." From experience Rhonda knows what it is to fight...
Stronger is designed to ignite a passion for intimacy with God. Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, silence and solitude, listening and rest are taught in a way that enables women...
The most requested teaching for a weekend retreat!Becoming a Woman of Character is perfect for a weekend retreat, conference or leadership training.Who are you in the dark?This presentation...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
Can you conceive of anything that demonstrates the gospel more beautifully than the godly behavior of those who receive it? Feminine Delight looks at Biblical Womanhood, which is true...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 10/29/2015
Good grief. If reality TV, personal insecurities, and your neighbor's expectations frame how you live your life, you'll be very confused…and tired! It's not always...
Posted by Gaye Lindfors on 10/29/2015