Based on her book “Baseball Family: The 9 Core Qualities of Loving Relationships," Billie shares the personal qualities necessary to foster healthy relationships and help...
A busy life, with a full to-do list leads to spiritual stagnation. Billie didn’t realize the stagnation in her own life until her pastor asked the question, what is God doing...
Posted by Billie Jauss on 12/11/2023
Through a five step DETOX from emotional toxins, we claim confidence and find fulfillment, not adding one more thing but realizing God’s best things. When Billie found herself...
Posted by Billie Jauss on 12/11/2023
In Jesus, our Savior, God perfectly anticipated our need. The surprising invitation to shepherds extends to us, too--to meet and know the Savior, and to find rest for our souls!-------This...
Life and It's CrossroadsIt is suggested that an average adult makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day, ranging from minor to life-altering decisions. The implications...
The Secrets of a Healthy MarriageAs we know, Christian marriages struggle, too. Lori will use practical and biblical paths to a resilient, loving, and grounded-in-faith marriage,...
Colossians 3:12: “Therefore, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” Both Paul and Peter...
Posted by Janice Samuel-Powell on 11/09/2023
Are you tired, weary, or on the verge of burn out? Are you ready to embrace God's promise of rest? Hannah invites women to rest in a way that God offers it to us from Genesis to...
Ps. 37:4 shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...
You are not going crazy - but the world definitely is! Do we have a front-row seat to what Jesus said would come to pass? The end-time signs seem pretty clear:Lawlessness will increase,...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
I pray. I really do. But through the years, prayer has often been an "I ought to" task. I care about A LOT of things, situations, and people in this world but the prayer...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
Doesn’t it seem like life just keeps getting more complicated, more bogged down by what if? What if I made a different choice? What if I had listened to my friend’s advice?...
Posted by Stefanie Jane Martino on 10/16/2023