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Posted by: Hannah Rowen Fry on 11/07/2023

Modern Sabbath: How and Why to Rest Like Jesus Did

Are you tired, weary, or on the verge of burn out? Are you ready to embrace God's promise of rest, ready to embrace Sabbath in a modern way? Hannah invites women to rest in a way that God offers it to us from Genesis to Revelation. Walk away from this session encouraged to abide in God's love and released from the pressures of our world as you rest like Jesus did. 


One of the greatest lies of the enemy and of the world we live in is that we have to do more, be better, be faster, accomplish, and achieve. This has led to the decline of spiritual rhythms like Sabbath that have been practiced for centuries, and our hustle-culture society and volunteer-focused church culture shows it! Find freedom in following Jesus' example of rest. Find freedom in acknowledging your weakness, which is where God is made strong. Learn about how to implement Sabbath and receive God's promise of rest into you modern life. 

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