I joke that I used to be a really nice girl before I became a mother, but that‘s no joke! My Momma Bear instinct has gotten me into some sticky situations. She means well but...
Posted by Lynn Marie Cherry on 04/20/2017
When yeast works in dough, the byproduct is CO2 that bubbles into the dough. In our spiritual lives, we sometimes grow a little too full of ourselves after the Lord works in our lives....
In a world growing increasingly unsafe for the believer and for a woman in general, it is necessary to protect ourselves both spiritually and physically. In these sessions, Beth addresses...
Whether you’re already working on a book or just getting started, there is power in the written word to transform lives. It's time to share your voice!Create: Create a book...
Posted by Lisa Hooks on 01/17/2017
I just wonder...is the person that I am inside, the one everyone else sees also? I mean, the person that I am at home, when I'm alone, when I'm aggravated, angry, or questioning...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 09/21/2016
One of the most requested topic for a retreat!As women, we carry all kinds of goodies in our handbag! But what's in our spiritual handbag? Through humor and the Word, we will...
Jana testifies that God gives us what we need to go through an unexpected challenge or hardship. "I know the Plans I have for you,declare the Lord, plans to prosper...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
Joanna’s recent talk on "Hearing the Call: Distinguishing God's Voice" was an enlightening experience that beautifully blended science and Scripture. Using the...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us "He has made everything beautiful in its time". This lesson incorporates powerful videos, visual tools and music and is intended for...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 08/03/2016
We all experience guilt. As women, it seems like it clings to us. How do we apply the Grace of God to eradicate this guilt all while glorifying God?Cherrilynn gives...
There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
This simple and beloved Psalm expresses powerfully and beautifully David's confidence in God's purpose for him and the meaning of his life. This lesson is inductive; meaning from the...
Posted by Marlo Blandford on 01/21/2016