Many women have incredible dreams, God ideas that they hope to see come true. But they DON'T have a strategic plan or blueprint on how to achieve those goals. In this delightful...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/30/2023
Woven through this sensitive and heartfelt talk, Dawn shares her personal testimony of pain and abuse and how Jesus revealed himself as Jehovah Rapha, "The God Who Heals."...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/29/2023
Without a Vision, people perish! The inspiration that vision creates becomes explosive, awakens you, and bids you come alive. Once awakened to what is possible for your life,...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/29/2023
Women everywhere are bravely rising, reclaiming their position in Christ. Instead of hiding in the shadows, over-apologizing, and feeling small, God is igniting a fire in the souls...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/29/2023
God's Masterpiece dives into the profound understanding that God uniquely crafted each individual, emphasizing that we are all His masterpieces. Drawing inspiration from Ephesians...
Posted by Lori McAfee on 11/10/2023
Ps. 37:4 shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...
You are not going crazy - but the world definitely is! Do we have a front-row seat to what Jesus said would come to pass? The end-time signs seem pretty clear:Lawlessness will increase,...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
Are you standing firm in your God-given identity? In this session, Karen addresses your deepest fears, clear steps toward confidence in Christ, and how to walk out with your feet,...
Jodi loves to talk about trees because they remind us of the importance of Depth! This word, Depth, is not only the name of her podcast and book, but also a way of living! Growing...
Posted by Jodi Snowdon (Jodi Rosser) on 10/02/2023
Using the acronym PARTY I will share how my time of prayer is more than me talking to God. It is a time of deep connection. We will look at a variety of ways participants can be more...
Posted by April Gadoury on 09/25/2023
Empowerment for your purpose on planet Earth is a divine gift. Everyone has an assignment. Receive the gift from heaven so that you can remove burdens and destroy yokes in the lives...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/17/2023
The topic of sexual abuse is taboo to our detriment. Silence and shame allow sexual abuse to continue and thrive in the darkness. A big part of restoration is bringing it all into...
Posted by Michelle Viscuse on 09/07/2023