Sitting for a moment in my car, in a parking space, I opened my purse to make sure that all of my required documents were in order. And that’s when I noticed my wallet,...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 09/07/2021
It’s been quite a season, hasn’t it? We’ve faced resistance and setbacks. We got our hopes up, we had high expectations, and things didn’t work out. We felt...
Jesus tells us we will have trials, tribulation, joy, and blessings. When you choose to tell yourself the truth from God’s word, encouragement returns. “These things I...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 08/30/2021
How does one have quiet talks with God? I believe that quiet talks with God is spending time constantly with Him and being aware of His presence.Quiet talks with God is your daily...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 08/05/2021
Righteousness outside of the revelation of the Spirit, Soul and Body is based upon your performance. We need to continue to grow in our understanding of the spirit that we have...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 07/12/2021
When you feel like you're the only one enduring the pain inside, Crystal reminds audiences they are not alone in this broken world. Human-ing can be hard and invisible struggles...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
When is the last time you felt completely at ease walking into a room, an opportunity, or in the face of opposition? As beings created for community, collaboration, and compassion...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
Forgiveness. One of the most misunderstood, mistaught and untaught - yet also one of THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issues for our eternal salvation! There's MORE to this...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 06/01/2021
The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/31/2021
In this stand-alone message, Lauren answers the questions everyone has about how to be content, why it matters if we are content, things that keep us back from discovering sufficiency...
How can we experience peace and stillness in a spinning out-of-control world? Discover how to seek God's presence and develop a rich devotional life in a time that is cluttered...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 01/28/2021
Country Landmarks is a message about putting on the armor of God and standing your ground. In the country we know where we are by landmarks, it's the same for God's word. I...
Posted by Paula Abbott on 01/19/2021