Marriage Magnifier is the six-hour marriage enrichment seminar presented by Dr. Rick and Nancy Kay Grace is for couple’s events sponsored by churches. Together, Rick and...
Posted by Nancy Kay Grace on 08/17/2016
One of Sherry's most requested topics!Designed to encourage, build up and release women into a deeper relationship with God."Becoming a woman of power does not mean becoming...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
Is there something in your life that you’ve been trying to control, but you can’t? No matter how hard we try to protect what we love, fix what’s broken or try to...
How can you be good at mommy and marriage? Rhonda Stoppe answers this question in a way that will encourage, inspire and help you be the mom and wife you always hoped you would be. You...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 03/31/2016
"Anyone can build a life with NO REGRETS. No matter what regretful choices you might have made, God is ready to use YOU in history for this time!" ~Rhonda StoppeBeginning...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 03/31/2016
A fairytale beginning to romance can still leave you wondering, “Where’s the happily-ever-after?” down the road. Marriage isn’t easy; it takes work and good...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 01/11/2016
The journey of learning to follow Jesus has been a winding road, paved with joy and tears. Through marriage, motherhood, depression and chronic disease, I have learned...
When Sandee Lester met her husband, Rick, in Korea, he was flying F-4's with the Air Force while she toured the Far East performing with an all-female show band. He was dressed...
Posted by Sandee Lester on 11/02/2015
We all go through a fiery time at some point in our marriage that will either make or break the relationship. Sandee Lester shares what she and her husband have identified, through...
Posted by Sandee Lester on 11/02/2015
If what you experienced did not kill you and we know it did not kill you, because you are reading this description, than perhaps this is your ministry. Finding new purpose from...
Posted by Trina Hines on 11/01/2015
Let me help you walk through the path of unforgiveness to forgiveness. I will teach you from experience how to really see how "unforgiveness" is the pathway of...
Posted by Trina Hines on 11/01/2015
A soldier does not go to battle without proper training, preparation, equipment, and resources. Preparation begins with intimacy, for you have to have a intimate relationship with...