We all go through a fiery time at some point in our marriage that will either make or break the relationship. Sandee Lester shares what she and her husband have identified, through over 20 years of marriage ministry, as the common causes of marital conflict. She discusses the Biblical principles they've applied to help couples navigate down the road to a joyful marriage. GPS to a Joyful Marriage topics: “Maintenance” - Communication: The key to a happy marriage. “Fill the Gas Tank” - Love and Respect: What is love and respect to you? What is it according to the Bible? “Rev your Engines!” - Honest talk about sex and intimacy. *Sandee’s most popular topic - includes a question and answer time for women to anonymously ask personal questions. “Follow the Laws" - Priorities: Are yours in order? “Fixing a Crash” - Can your marriage survive an affair?