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Joyce Rayner Recommendations

Submitted by Grace Thru Faith Church on 12/08/2016

Brenda Alexander, Pastor's Wife

On Topic

Recently the women at Grace Thru Faith Church had its first Annual Women's Day. Our desire was to invite a fellow sister in Christ who would challenge,inspire and encourage us to live a life most honorable of the Master,Christ Jesus. Joyce Rayner of Women of Victory Live With Purpose was our speaker. Joyce spoke with boldness, clarity and in a non-compromising approach to scripture with great love and compassion. Joyce is not only a powerful speaker for the Lord, she has an evidenced life for the Savior,Christ Jesus.

Do You Know Joyce Rayner? Write a Review

Marcellus P. Howard, Pastor

I want to enlist Ms Rayner as one of my Associate Ministers; however, due to her capacity with the Transitional Center we both feel this could be a conflict of interest. She preaches with homiletically acquired skill of a seasoned Pastor. She preaches with POWER and her life is in order with the Word she preaches.

Submitted by Linwood Blvd Temple on 09/24/2024

Verda Phipps, Event Planner

Dear Joyce, The committee and I want to thank you again for accepting the invitation to be our speaker for "Men and Women's Day". You are an awesome speaker and our hearts were blessed. Your stories and life applications were profound, realistic, and simple enough for the young adults to understand. Thanks again for sharing with us.

Submitted by Bethel A.m.e. Church on 10/27/2023

Vickie Tyms, Assistant to Director

Joyce is an enthusiastic and energetic woman with a passion for Women's Ministries and one who truly loves the Lord. I have been privileged to have her minister to our entire congregation on numerous occasions. Women's Day Speaker, Prayer Breakfast, Prayer Meeting,and as a Workshop Presenter. She has a way of capturing her audience as she unfolds God's word in a profound way.

Submitted by West Tennessee Women's Ministry on 12/08/2016

John E. Parker, Pastor

With respect to Ms Rayner,who served alongside me when I pastored in Memphis TN from 2000 to 2004. She is anointed and endowed with special grace from God to live His Word. Joyce has a way of painting pictures that one will never forget, coupled with a dramatic and powerful delivery like I have not seen before. Her sermons were always well prepared, always informative, motivational, and Christocentric.

Submitted by New Heights Church-jackson, Ms on 12/08/2016