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Emily Hill Recommendations

Submitted by Unity Community Church - Plum, PA on 10/03/2024

Danielle Mink, Technical & Communications Director

On Topic

Emily Hill was such a blessing to our church during our time of pastoral transition. She would share a message as our guest pastor every few weeks until our new pastor started full-time. Emily has the amazing ability to take a scripture-based message and make it incredibly relatable to any demographic. She is such an inspiration to women, but also isn't afraid to share her own personal "stuff," because let's face it, we all got it! I would absolutely recommend her for any event, she's the best!

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Deb Sommers

Emily Hill has been our Sunday morning speaker many times over the 2 years we were on a new search for our pastor who retired after 30 years. She engages the "audience" with a solid and easy to understand biblical message, along with personal life stories that apply to her message. Several women I know have bought the book she wrote..."Everyday Epiphany". It's a great read, Emily always has a smile on her face, and an encouraging word. Everyone in our congregation LOVES Emily~~~!

Submitted by Member & Clerk Of Session At Unity Community Church, Plum, Pa on 01/31/2025

Rev. Samantha Corbin

A member of the congregation asked if we could hire Emily as an associate pastor!

Her message was clear, biblically focused, and illustrated with a number of relatable stories from her own experience. She brought enthusiasm and the joy of the Holy Spirit with her, and took time after service to greet the members of the church. An absolute delight to have in the pulpit!

Submitted by Franklin Memorial Global Methodist Church on 07/17/2024

Colleen Cable Director of Children and Youth Ministry

Emily Hill is one of my favorite speakers. She’s engaging and so funny. She keeps you interested, and helps bring the gospel to life. I have heard Emily speak several times, and it’s always refreshing when I’ve had the opportunity to hear her. 

Submitted by Galloway Church Of Franklin on 06/29/2024

Janice Gearhart

Emily has spoken at Bloom, our Women's conference, two years and has also spoken here at the church on Sunday mornings. The women at Bloom were excited to have her speak again this year. The congregation has looked forward to hearing Emily speak. The youth in our congregation have expressed how they love to hear what God has laid on her heart. Emily shares from her heart and connects real life with how God and His Word makes a difference in living our life fully in Him. She is engaging and so easy to listen to and follow as she teaches from the Bible. I so greatly apprectiate how Emily shares God's Word. She relates so well to people. Emily shares with humor and humility. I appreciate her openness and gentle spirit. Emily is a Biblical teacher who loves Jesus.

Submitted by Galloway Church on 06/28/2024


On our end of year survey sent out to each member of the MomCo, Emily Hill was hands down the favorite guest speaker for the year. We would be so honored to have her back! She really met us where we were (which is humbly in the middle of the mess of motherhood) and she helped us focus in on the simpleness of pausing to breath. Breathing in the affirmations of Jesus our savior and breathing out the insecurities, fear, lies and anxieties allowing us to rest in who our maker made us to be and be the mom he called us to be. She was energetic, heart felt, relatable, and compassionate to the call God put on her heart!

Submitted by Momco Of Morristown Tn on 06/19/2024

Paul A. Demi Pastor

Emily spoke at my churches and she is a dynamic and confident speaker who is led by the Holy Spirit. 
She speaks in a way that relates to the people in attendance. I highly recommend her for Christian Women Speakers !!

Submitted by Spangler And Uniontown Global Methodist Churches on 06/06/2024