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Suzy Gayle McCravy

Christian Speaker
San Angelo Texas 76901

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Contact Information

Online Social Profiles
San Angelo, TX 76901
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Berean Baptist Church
Relationship to Church
Missionary with
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
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Works with Your Budget

More About Suzy Gayle McCravy

Suzy Gayle was born premature. She was so tiny that her first bed was a small carrier and her clothing was baby doll clothes. She was also extremely delicate, so much so, that feeding and changing her clothes was a life-threatening experience.

As a small child her great grandmother introduced her to Jesus and Suzy commitment her life to serving Him.

Suzy’s parents equipped her for life and to put her best foot forward. Suzy’s grandmother taught her to have stamina and be her own person. Suzy’s grandfather taught her all about ranch life. By the time she reached her teens she was competing in barrel racing, pole bending, calf roping and bull riding in all girl rodeos.

In her senior year she married her high school sweetheart, and then set up housekeeping in the home in which her Mother had been raised. Just a few months into the marriage the young couple awakened in the early morning, to find their home on fire. Fortunately, they escaped from the burning inferno, but the dwelling was totally destroyed.

This was just the beginning of the journey of many struggles in which Suzy learned to totally depend on God. A difficult pregnancy, the birth of Vanessa Ann whom the doctors said would not survive, a diagnosis of cancer and six cancer related surgeries, a suicide of her now teen-aged daughter, a divorce and starting over, a bad car wreck that threatened to end any aspirations of singing, and the death of her husband compounded Suzy’s life with every difficult circumstance that tested her faith. Six years later God brought Mike McCravy into Suzy life and was married. Suzy, totally depending on the Lord, has overcome these obstacles to sing for the Lord. Today her life is filled with love, joy, peace and excitement as she travels across America and around the world sharing her love for the Savior.

She has won many awards in the Christian Country Music field including Female Vocalist of the Decade, Platinum Heart Award, Four Time-Female Vocalist of the Year, Esteemed Servant and now travels wherever the Lord opens a door: Churches, Women’s Conferences, rodeo related events and Christian functions sharing her testimony through her God-given talent.

Suzy Gayle McCravy Recommendations

Submitted by Life Ministries, Inc on Monday, Feb 05, 2024

Rev IW Smith _ Pres. Founder LIfe Min. Also Nat'l Chaplain CGMA

We were very impressed with Suzy and her ministry.

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Submitted by Retired on Saturday, Aug 26, 2023

Dianna Kuykendall

Suzy loves the Lord because of what comes out of her mouth…she is truly dedicated to live and work for Him. Probably known her 16 years and she is a blessing. Love her dearly!

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Submitted by Life Ministries, Inc on Friday, Aug 11, 2023

Rev IW Smith _ Pres. Founder LIfe Min. Also Nat'l Chaplain CGMA

We were very impressed with Suzy and her ministry.

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Submitted by Pastor's Wife on Monday, Apr 10, 2023

Janice Derrick

I have known Suzy for over 20 years. When i first met her we was at Pecos Valley Baptist Women's Retreat @ Sivells in Cloudcroft, NM. This would be her first time to share her testimony and sing since she had lost her daughter, Vanessa. She was timid at first, but gave a powerful, God filled testimony and her songs blessed beyond belief. Since then Suzie has done many Cowboy Church's for me. And her God given gift and talent is beyond amazing. She is a true woman after God's own heart. His love shines through her, without doubt. She is a true sister in Christ. Through her tragidies, she has found God's victory

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Submitted by The Divine Connection Ministries on Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022

Rita Caton

Our church ministry ( and myself) would highly recommend Suzy Gayle McCravy as a Biblical speaker. She has quite a testimony, beautiful song ministry, shares the gospel message, and always brings glory to God through her experiences. Her message inspires others to never loose hope or heart for Jesus.

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Submitted by Glad Tidings Assembly Of God Church on Tuesday, Jul 26, 2022

David Meek, Pastor

So Honored to Encourage you to hear Suzy's Amazing testimony & Singing! You will be so bless that you will wish you had her back, just like I did! Her Husband is also has a amazing testimony & is a great singer, too!

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Submitted by The Country Church on Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ruth Ann Jewett- Women's Ministry Director

We have had Suzy to sing and speak in our church for services and also were blessed to have her as the main speaker at a women's retreat. Her message in music always reflects the joy of the Lord and draws her audience to engage in worship with her. Her message from the Lord is always anchored in God's Word without compromise. No one will leave having not been challenged to examine the condition of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Her love for the Savior is contagious and bold. Thank you Lord for women like Suzy who serve You passionately in these days.

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Submitted by V7 Ranch Co on Wednesday, Sep 14, 2016

Christy D Norris Pres of V7 Ranch

Suzy Gayle is a one of a kind person! She is so inspirational, very soft spoken but people listen to her. The way she helps people grieve would make you think she at least has a doctorate in psychiatry. I personally don't know what education SuzyGayle has but I suspect it's in hard knocks, for sure. She is a true example of not letting life make her bitter but becoming a better person through it all. I can see how God has rewarded her for her faithfulness by replacing or filling her heart with new things for the things she has had to give up. She is one of those people that makes everyone around her feel good. And then don't get me started on her singing! I like her tapes but when you hear her in person, the spiritual experience is hard to top! Her voice is spectacular, too!! She is a lovely lady inside & out, one that anyone would want to emmulate. SuzyGayle has a giving spirit & is about as unselfish as anyone I know. She is always thinking of others & serving others.

Submitted by Western Essential Ministries on Tuesday, Sep 13, 2016

Melissa Lamb & Pastors Wife

I have had the privilege of working with Suzy for more than 15 years. She has sang and spoken at church and at events including several women's conferences. She has a heart that loves the Lord and people. She always has a great Biblical message that is relevant to the group she is speaking to.

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Submitted by The Sunrise Show on Friday, Sep 02, 2016

JIm Tucker, Host and Producer

My name is Jim Tucker, and from 1997 until 2016 I hosted and produced a syndicated Christian Country Music radio program called The Sunrise Show. During that time I had the honor and privilege to meet and work with Suzy Gayle. We included much of her music in our playlists, and she and I also worked jointly to produce our first Christian Country Celebration concert featuring Suzy and other artists. I have known Suzy for about fifteen years and can attest to her personal integrity as well as her sincere heart for the ministry. I would highly recommend her for any venture she might consider undertaking and would fully trust her with anything of value.

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Music: Love and Devotion

Christian Country Gospel...

Posted by on 09/07/2016