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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Results

Christian Speakers in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Grand Rapids, Michigans Top Rated Christian Speakers

Dawn Damon

Dawn Damon is a best-selling, award winning author, speaker, global communicator, podcaster, and life coach whose energy, authenticity, and dream-inspiring programs invite

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503, United States

Kristi Huseby

Kristi Huseby is a writer, speaker and for the past eight years has been the Women’s Ministry Director of a church in West Michigan.  But recently she was accepted

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49546, United States

Robyn Dykstra

The big question every event planner asks is … Where do I find a speaker I can trust with my platform and my audience?   You have to find someone who understands

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49505, United States

Teresa Janzen

Teresa Janzen lives life full and free. An international speaker, author, coach, and host of the Radical Abundance podcast, she inspires people to do more, decide better,

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49525, United States

Emily Smith

In 2015, God spoke a promise to Emily that began with a career change and the opening of a ministry with a storefront, Adored Boutique. In 2018, Emily established Designed

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49506, United States

Kathey Batey

Kathey Batey is an author, Certified Mental Health Coach, and speaker whose humor, symbolism, and authenticity relates to every woman. You'll feel God's compassion.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49525, United States

Laura DeGroot

Laura DeGroot, is a speaker, author, and champion for  Living Wide Awake:  paying attention to what’s going on inside and outside of you, and showing

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49534, United States