Christian Speaker
Urbandale Iowa 50322
I don’t want - and I don’t think our kids want - a generically “nice” faith with a side of church thrown in. So let’s offer them something different: an adventurous faith, full of meaningful action and purposeful moments, risk and sacrifice, and delight.
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Urbandale, IA 50322
United States of America |
Becka Asper is an author, speaker and blogger whose confidence, authenticity and real-life stories challenge women to live by Kingdom values so they can experience the freedom Jesus offers from a typically frenzied, anxious life.
Becka Asper, M.S.Ed, lives in Iowa with her husband and five kids, ranging from 1 to 14 years old. They love exploring National Parks, and recently checked off the 30th park on their list. Over the past 15 years, Becka has served as a mentor, staff, and resource developer for an international ministry to teenage moms called YoungLives, fostered over 10 children, honed dramatic speaking skills as one of the leaders for an outreach to middle schoolers, and developed a taste for Eastern African food through her work as youth leader of a group of Congolese refugee teens. In all of these roles, Becka has been fascinated by the process – and sometimes crash-and-burn nature – of faith formation in young people. In Young Life, she learned: "It's a sin to bore a kid with the Gospel." As an educator, she learned that the best way to learn something is by doing it. As a foster parent, she learned how much she needs Jesus. As a frequent camper and explorer, she has learned that adventure is (almost) always worth the effort it takes – and that sometimes stories of epic failures make the best memories. And as a parent, she is learning that kids find out what you really think not by what you say, but by how you act. Her workshops and speaking engagements combine all of these streams of thought to present one central idea: our faith is only boring for our kids (and for us) when we neglect to act on it. But when we take the risk of jumping all in, our faith can become a thrilling adventure that not only takes us on a wild ride way beyond what our culture offers – but that also leaves a lasting imprint on us, our children, and anyone who happens to be watching.
Submitted by Young Life on Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024
Becka was the keynote speaker for a Young Life fundraiser for which I served on the planning committee. I thought she was excellent. I could tell the audience was engaged and left excited about the work that Young Life is doing in our community. I’d consider her to be in the very upper echelon of speakers. I’m very impressed by her level of skill, authenticity, and command of subject. I’d highly recommend her.
On Topic
Submitted by Urban Heights Covenant Church on Friday, Jun 09, 2023
Becka has preached at my church on several occasions. She consistently delivers a well crafted message that combines scriptural heft with relevant context and clear application to life.
On Topic
Parenting is HARD – especially when we want to raise our kids to know and follow Jesus. I share from my experiences raising six kids (plus foster kids) about discipleship and...
Posted by Becka Asper on 06/08/2023
Ever since I was a teenager who was given the chance to share testimonies and short sermons in church, I have loved public speaking. For over 15 years I've been taking advantage of that love to share at training events and conferences, retreats, church services and Bible studies, and youth outreaches. I’m always thrilled to encourage others through my own failures, and to inspire them to see God at work in the midst of their messes and mistakes. By following the link, you can access a couple of speaking samples from times I was asked to share at Urban Heights Covenant Church in Des...
Posted by Becka Asper on 06/08/2023