Submitted by Revealing Truth Ministries on Thursday, Sep 19, 2024
Minister Dianne and I have known each other through the ministry of Revealing Truth for over 15yrs. Dianne and I not only serve in the same capacity as members at the church, but we served in the same prison ministry and jail ministry together for at least 9 of those years. Dianne teaches inmates at the prisons and at the jails where she is firm in her faith teaching the word of God. She is anointed and teaches with excellence and simplicity. She is a devoted woman of God, called to serve in the jail and prison ministry. The primary mission is to allow God to set the captives free and heal the broken-hearted so that the inmates can heal and become healthy citizens to society with changed mindsets and live successful lives, never to repeat the same cycle which they have been delivered from. Sincerely yours, Debra McCalla
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Submitted by Revealing Truth Ministries on Friday, Mar 01, 2024
I have had the pleasure of serving in the Prison and Jail Ministry with Dianne Andrews over the past 13 years. She brings forth the word of God with such humility and truth. Her ability to share biblical knowledge and insight with an audience is such a tremendous blessing. She is always very friendly and welcoming. The ladies are always drawn to listen in when she speaks. Sonalee Moctezuma
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Submitted by Revealing Truth Ministries on Thursday, Aug 24, 2023
I have known Minister Dianne Andrews for over five years, we volunteer at the Local Jail in Tampa, and at one time to the Hernando State Prison together to speak to the incarcerated women. Dianne is a very down-to-earth speaker, she studies the scriptures and knows how to engage her audience with simple truth from God's word. I do not hesitate to affirm that Dianne Andrews is a Woman of God who is qualified to teach God's Word. She is qualified, anointed, and equipped. I highly recommend her to any event planner teach and to speak God's word.
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