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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results

Christian Speakers in Chicago

Chicagos Top Rated Christian Speakers

Dorothy Ross

Hello! I'm Pastor Dorothy May Ross Pastor Ross has parlayed her life experience as well as 33 years in the corporate arena and 25 years as a Pastor to show women

Chicago, Illinois, 60290, United States

Stephanie C Williams

Dr. Stephanie C. Williams is an author, coach, and animated, dynamic, engaging speaker: a storyteller who weaves steps, strategies, and Scripture together to usher women

Chicago, Illinois, 60615, United States

Kyndra Singer

Kyndra Singer has spoken for over 25 years to audiences in ministries, churches, and conferences in the U.S. and around the globe. Whether speaking to pastors, leaders or

Chicago, Illinois, 60631, United States

Alysa Clark

Alysa Clark is a speaker, writer, and story-telling photographer who grows the confidence of women to be all God designed them to be. Come be inspired, encouraged, and motivated

Chicago, Illinois, 60630, United States

Stenetta Anthony

Stenetta Anthony is a speaker, with a background in education, who has 4 published children's books. Expounding on Scripture, using visual aides, she helps women embrace

Chicago, Illinois, 60629, United States

Dominique Dewar

Dominique Dewar is a Clinical Therapist, Author, Speaker, and Self-Esteem/Relationship Coach. A fun, outgoing, and upbeat personality, h er passion is to encourage women

Chicago, Illinois, 60628, United States

Kristen R. Harris

Kristen R. Harris subscribes to the notion that every woman is full of potential and purpose but many lack the knowledge on how to get everything out that is inside of them.

Chicago, Illinois, 60643, United States

Stefanie Boyce

Stefanie Boyce is a national speaker, teacher, and author of two Bible studies designed to help participants create space to be with God and have deep conversations about

Chicago, Illinois, 60087, United States