Healthy Choices Start with Truth

We often hear we are to take our thoughts captive but knowing how to do that can be difficult. Here is a strategy that might help. Start by identifying what is at the heart of your thinking. Is it focused on cultural expectations, abilities, outward appearances, or truth? If they are grounded in truth, understand and claim the feelings associated with the thoughts and feel them. If they are NOT grounded in truth, those are the ones to reframe toward truth, so you don't dwell on thoughts that will open the door for the enemy. Turning your thoughts toward truth is how you take them captive.
Discipline Trumps Motivation

I have found that in order to do what I need to do, I have to feel good physically. I workout, eat right, meditate, and do all the things we're "supposed" to do to maintain my health. I wouldn't call myself "motivated," but I am DISCIPLINED. I created this discipline with two concepts: (1) a daily routine; (2) using my words. When you tie your identity to the behavior you want to adopt, you are more likely to stay with the behavior because it is part of who you are. I say, "I'm the kind of person who works out 6 days a week." I NEVER ask myself if I "feel like" working out! I just do it in the same way that I take a shower every morning, I workout every morning. In order to have the time to do the things I must do to stay healthy, there are things I cannot do. I don't get on my phone in the morning because I will end up running too late to workout! I also tend to eat mostly the same few meals every day. I have a few breakfasts I choose from, a few lunches, and a few dinners. That way, I don't feel overwhelmed by too many options. If nothing sounds good, I just eat a salad, because if I can't decide, I may as well eat what I know will be good for me! Discipline is what creates health - not motivation!
First Things First

I turned an opposed task into one of success with one small change of clothes. I adopted the habit of putting on my exercise clothes while sitting on the toilet each morning. This small commitment has made it possible for me to do one of the most resisted activities - EXERCISE. Thirty minutes a day for five days a week equals over two hours of movement for the week. By putting on my exercise clothes as my first activity, I find I have time. It was aligning my attitude of believing I must do this, before getting ready for the rest of the day, which became a lifelong habit providing me with good health and a strong body.
The 3Ws of Weight Management

“You make me sick,” a friend said. “You've only gained three pounds since high school?!” We both chuckled as I gave a silent ‘thank you’ to the Lord. Not because I’m as thin as before, but because He showed me the 3W’s to the deep joy that healthy living brings:
- Walk away from toxic headlines in the media, they feed your anxiety and fear.
- Wipe away negative thinking: it's junk food for the soul.
- Welcome God’s promises and let them filter through your heart.
It’s not how thin your body is, but how wide you spread your joy.