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Tips for Leading Women

Tips for Leading Women

Key Strategy: Personal Invitations


One of my strategies for Leading Women as a Mentor, Pastor, Women's Ministry Leader, or Small Group / Bible Study Leader can be summed up with two words: personal invitation. Extending a personal invitation has been, hands down, the most effective way to invite women into doing life together in ministry. While social media and communication strategies are necessary, one-on-one communication that says, "I really want you to join me..." is transformational. This approach removes a lot of the intimidation factor found in the hesitancy women often wrestle with in saying, "yes".

5 Leadership Tips


Leading women is important to God! Which makes it important to me. How I lead: 

1. I pave the way with my own authentic vulnerability in sharing personal stories then ask for transparency from them in return. 

2. Make journals for the ladies as gifts to encourage note taking.

 3. Have a visual connection piece that they can take home with them reminding them of the teaching. (a mustard seed, a bracelet, etc.) 

4. Remember women's NAMES by creating a connection in my brain with something familiar to me once I meet them in order to spark my memory later. 

5. Follow up by building relationship outside of the ministry - coffee, shopping, etc.

Called for a Time Like This!


What has God called you to do? Yes, that thing! You know it. You've received the confirmation. And you can't shake the feeling. Both Vashti and Esther were called for one reason or another. But for one reason or another, only Esther answered. Vashti was too busy living her life. Esther, however, listened to her uncle and mentor, Mordecai who said, “And who knows, maybe you have been chosen… for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14) She wasn’t qualified, but she responded to the call. Will you? Remember God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

Leading Women Through Healing


I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead women as a mentor and a small group bible study. I am a survivor of domestic violence, and I believed that I was called to share my testimony. I live my life sharing my testimony with women as a certified life coach. I mentor women to see their potential in Christ. Then I am used as a vessel to minister to a small group of 15 women from different parts of the United States. We meet once a month to review a chapter, study the word, share testimonies and lift each other up. My website also has information that includes workshops that I host to encourage women 21 years of age or older to understand their assignments. I used social media, personal referrals and word-of-mouth in my church to spread the news. My mission in life is to help people understand their assignment.

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