Writing with God
From the moment I began writing, I received this instruction from the Lord, “I am the Writer and you are the notetaker.” Those powerful words have guided me each time I write. I discovered it is not what I say that impacts and changes lives but only what Jesus speaks. I am only the chosen vessel through which He works. With that in mind, I often listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit knowing He alone knows who will read what I have written.
Your First Draft Is Never Your Final Draft
When writing a blog post or a book, always remember that your first draft is never your final draft. No one has to see your first draft. It is for your eyes only. In order to impact lives, you need to get the first draft out of your head and onto paper. Otherwise, all you have is an idea. Embrace the messy process. It’s a rough draft that will be heavily edited afterward. Once you give yourself permission to write a messy first draft, your creativity will have the freedom to soar and you will finally be able to move forward on your writing project.
Writing the Right Way
Writing, blogging, and sharing through text can be tricky, especially if the reader is not familiar with the writer’s tone. Readers may feel a harshness or coldness we, as authors, did not intend. This is why it's important to write as though we were the reader - in the tone and mood in mind that works for them. Also, because our mood at the moment can come through our writing, we must be careful to nurture our own hearts in Christ. No matter what may be going on in your life, write with intent. Intend to encourage, help, and bless. Get it right by writing that way.
4 Writing Strategies That Rock
If you can't say it in the first sentence, you will lose your reader. I learned this while a newspaper reporter and journalist. Wordy or wandering sentences will also bore your reader. I learned that tip while writing more than 60 books, toolkits, and training videos. What I learned in speech class also applies. You need to tell the audience what you are going to tell them, tell them again, and then tell them what you just told them. Finally, you need to have no more than three key points in each blog, chapter or speech. I learned that in seminary. In other words: 1) Narrow the purpose of your writing or sharing into one key sentence, and then fill in the gaps; 2) Avoid long, wordy sentences; 3) Tell them three times what you want them to know; 4) Limit the number of your key points to three.