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Healthy Living: One Decision at a Time

Healthy Living: One Decision at a Time

Peace vs. Overwhelm

 Joy Trachsel   

When life feels overwhelming and I begin to feel anxious I walk through some exercises that bring me peace and calm. I begin by taking some deep diaphragm breaths as I inhale the name of Jesus and exhale fear. I center my soul by reminding myself to stay in the moment and not let anxiety usher me into the future. At times, I can only utter a three word prayer and mine continues to be “Jesus Carry Me”. I embrace His Word, His promises and ultimately His peace. I sometimes add worship music to my time and end with praise.

Focus on Jesus

 Peggy Ployhar   

God has taught me over the past 2 years that living a healthy lifestyle requires focusing less on myself and more on Him and thus transforming my eating cycles towards a feasting & fasting mindset, the purpose of my workouts towards using my whole body to bring God worship and praise, my study/learning towards coming to know Him and understand His ways more deeply, my resting towards moving into a greater faith and trust of His future plans for me, and my self-care strategies towards knowing and seeking how I have been uniquely called and created for His good works.

Fall, Then Get Back Up

 Susan Howell   

I tripped and plunged headfirst into a pot of chrysanthemums outside my university office building. A lesser woman would've let that be her finale, but not I. I rolled like I was doing a PSA for what to do if on fire and ended with a flourish in front of two alarmed and solicitous students. While my dignity took a hit, I received gracious care from others and was reminded that when we fall, it’s the getting up that lends itself to dignity restored. And if you can laugh about it later – so much the better.

Jesus Lived a Wholistic Life

 Jackie McKool   

I believe that Jesus lived a wholistic, balanced life – mental emotional, physical and spiritual. And if He did, and we are to strive to model Him and His way of living, then shouldn’t we have a wholistic balanced life too? In fact, was there ever a time in the Bible that Jesus wasn’t walking in complete and total health, whole and balanced? Show me a time and I will retract my belief. Let’s just go on the assumption that He was never living a life out of balance or unhealthy, fair enough? Let’s explore some ways that Jesus lived wholistically.

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