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God Over All Else

God Over All Else

Questions for Your Walk with Jesus


Placing God over all else in our lives makes life worth living. Questions are a powerful way to get at the root of things. Following Jesus beckons us to ask ourselves: 

- Where are you? Can you answer, “with Jesus”? 
- How did you get there? Again, can you answer, “with Jesus”?
- What you are you doing here? Can you answer, “Honoring Jesus”? 

Walking with Jesus always involves walking by faith and not by sight. Once Jesus is the answer to questions one-through-three, the last question is:

4. Do you believe? If yes, the end of these questions has led you to the beginning of your next steps with Jesus.

The Put-Off/Put-On Dynamic


Do you struggle with anxiety? Most people do from time-to-time. My “Put-Off/Put-On Dynamic,” based on Ephesians 4:22-25 and Philippians 4:6-8, is so helpful. 1) Make two lists: a thankful list and a prayer list. 2) Review your thankful list each time you begin feeling anxious or worried. Keep it handy. Add to it. After a while, you'll have formed a new habit! 3) Bring your prayer list with the words, "I'm thankful for . . .." Start with this phrase each time you begin your intercession. Record dates and short notes as God answers. 4) Continue until your Put-Off/Put-On Dynamic is a habit. Habits save us from relearning everything all the time (dragging our wills, kicking and screaming if need be). By forming new habits that are helpful and pleasing to the Lord, we deepen our relationship with Him and anxiety is kept to a minimum. T) Finally, remember to spend time with Jesus in His Word and in prayer before sleep each night. He is faithful and you can trust Him.

Replace Negativity with God's Truth


When true faith is lacking in the home, an ungodly style of thinking and living becomes the norm. Per social media, this negative view of self becomes a stumbling block that hinders efforts to turn to God, especially for women. Simply stated, it is difficult to switch from a negative view of life in exchange for God-honoring, loving, biblical wisdom and knowledge. This was my story. However, God transformed life through personal experience, diligent study of God’s Word, and reliance on the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). These replaced the old, worldly thinking with the mind of Christ (Matthew 5,6 & 7) and uncommon peace is the reward (Matthew 11:28-30). This same peace is available to you, too. Come replace your sorrow with the joy of the Lord.

Time to Pray Throughout the Day


I think of God throughout my day. Even if I don’t take time to pray, I feel the presence of His Holy Spirit as my companion. And, when I’m not paying attention or attempting to plan things on my own, I feel a gentle ‘spiritual tap’ on my shoulder reminding me that it’s God and me walking through my life together. I’ve learned that when we’re sensitive to God’s ‘shoulder taps’, we’ll be prompted to do the right thing; to please and serve Him. Following God’s lead will bring us all into a stronger, deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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