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Event Planning & Coordination Tips

Event Planning & Coordination Tips

Event planning and coordination can be fun, challenging and a ton of work – but it can lead to deeper relationships now and for eternity. Prayer, planning, and prioritization is the path toward a successful event. Below are some tips from Christian Women Speakers who’ve spoken at events, and below that you’ll find additional tips to help you coordinate and plan your next event. Godspeed! Marnie

Plan a God-Centric Event

Prepare before you start the event planning process. Take time to conduct a survey to determine the top-of-mind concerns of your target audience. Sit with their answers, put on the mind of Christ by meditating on Proverbs 3:5-6, and jot down whatever He highlights. Starting with these insights, you'll gain confidence and courage to host a successful Christ-centered event from His perspective, and for His glory. It is from this firm foundation you'll begin to plan your in-person or virtual event, all of which have the same basic tenets: 1) Identify the purpose and theme. 2) Establish the budget. 3) Invite the speakers. 4) Finalize the dates. 5) Secure your venue or determine which online platform to use. 6) Produce the announcements and tickets. 7) Start sharing as you complete all the steps to make God's idea your reality.

Treasure Your Women as You Plan Your Event

Women need to know that they are treasured. One thing I have found very important in coordinating women's conferences and retreats is always communicating the recipient's value to God and to me. I love putting personal-type comments into all my communications so they feel I am talking just to them. An example would be: “I was thinking about you today and praying that God shows his love for you in a special way.” "You" could be used singular or plural. In addition, using name tags and looking in their eyes further increases their sense of value and uniqueness. These are just a few ways we can be Jesus to the women God has assigned to us, our ministries, and our events.

Maximize Your Event Speaker Budget

If you’re wanting a high quality speaker, but you’re working on a limited budget, provide intangibles to go with your speaker fee. We all really want to come, to share God's love, and to do it in a way that doesn't break your budget. So, if you find yourself short-funded, consider the following as alternatives to additional fundraising. 1) Do you have a talented photographer in your group? Offer to provide photos of them speaking. 2) Are you set up for streaming? Offer a recording of their presentation that they can use for their speaker reel. 3) Ask if they’d like additional promotional activities like an interview on a local radio station or an appearance at a bookstore, then make the necessary arrangements. 4) Promote more to increase ticket sales or love offerings. Remember, the Christian women speakers listed at this site truly WANT to come share with your group.

Focus Your Leadership Team the Night Before

The night before your event, gather those who've worked on your event to encourage and inspire them. Using clear cups, colored stones, water and a clear vase, explain that if we know Jesus, we carry His presence. Pour water into each of the small cups and put a rock into the individual cups one by one representing each of your workers. (Leave extra stones to the side.) Explain that they each carry Jesus and will be bringing the presence of Jesus with them. One by one, pour the cups with rocks and water into the clear vase. Ask them if they notice what is happening. Wait for the answer. “The water level is rising.” Explain that the presence of Jesus in the conference location will rise as each of them arrive for the conference. Reach over to the dry stones and one by one drop them into the vase of water. These dry rocks represent attendees that may not know Jesus. The women attending your event will be walking straight into the presence of Jesus! We just have to get them to Jesus, and He will do the rest. As you organize your event, encourage each other and remember your purpose!

Event Planning & Coordination Tips from Marnie

1. Prayerfully define your event goals and objectives: Use my S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Prep Model Worksheet to gain a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Select God-centric goals and objectives that make you both excited and at peace.

2. Set a budget: Start here to determine how much your tickets will cost and what your food, facility, speaker, decorating and publicity spending will be. Allocate the budget based on your priorities, the "going ticket" price for similar events and the ability of prospective audience/attendees to pay.

3.    Choose the date and venue: You will never find the perfect date, so select one that is convenient for your target audience with an available venue that accommodates your needs.

4.    Divide and conquer: Create a timeline and teams for the event planning process. Include all the key tasks and deadlines, and make sure everyone involved knows what they need to do and by when.

5.    Develop your theme: Get specific as you pray and prepare for your event. You want a theme that will tie everything together and create an eternally effective and memorable experience for your attendees.

6.    Promote. Promote. Promote: Word of mouth invites are always the most effective, so prepare handouts and postcards, fliers and invitations early on. Ask each of your regular attenders to invite at least one, but prayerfully many potential new gals each. Also use social media, email marketing, and other advertising channels to reach your audience.

7.    Pray. Pray. Pray: The enemy scoffs at plans not originating from God's own heart. Stay close to Jesus as you plan, prepare and present your event. Make prayer the first, last and continual thing you do throughout.

8.    Follow up after the event: Follow up with attendees after the event to get feedback and to thank them for their participation. This will surface any cries for help, and also equip you to improve future events and build stronger relationships with your women.

I love Christian women's events and am so proud of you for stepping out and hosting your own. I've coordinated countless, including some with over 1000 attendees, so I truly appreciate the work and love you pour into each one.

And, if you ever find yourself unable to host an event, but need your gals to gather at one, check out the upcoming major Christian Women's Events near you at www.WomensEvents.info


Marnie Swedberg is a speaker, the founder and director of www.WomenSpeakers.com, the author of 14 books and the host of Marnies Friends Talk Radio

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