Devastated by the tragic loss of his parents, young Wesley finds himself an orphan in a very unforgiving and cruel world. Forced to the streets to beg for survival, one unsuspecting day he meets a man who will change his life forever. Given the opportunity to become heir to the throne he must battle the plans of the evil sorcerer intent on destroying his life and the entire kingdom. Let your imagination soar to a land filled with kings and wizards, dragons and damsels in distress, dungeons, dwarfs and enchanted forests. Fantasy and reality meet in a suspenseful story of love, honor and courage...
ASPERITYWhen troubles come from every direction, pushing souls to their breaking point. Being perfect is impossible, a truth that nurse and avid runner, Linda Bonin learns the hard way. When another failure to appease her abusive husband prompts a threatening phone call, she flees. But, Linda discovers she can’t outrun the ever-advancing evil that stalks her. Taunting, accusing – pushing her to her breaking point. To survive, will Linda risk her soul to confront her accuser? A gripping nail-biter, Running from Asperity is an emotionally compelling story of searching for truth...