Experiencing loss––in the varied ways it comes to us––affects everyone differently. As adults, we have ways to verbalize how we are feeling. Many children, however, lack the vocabulary and the understanding to name the emotions they experience when they go through grief. They just know they are hurting inside. They are feeling sad, angry, lonely, or maybe even scared. These feelings manifest in different ways depending on the age of the children. This book explores the story of a sister and a brother who love watching a mama bird care for her babies until the unthinkable...
How do you overcome fear when someone or something looks dangerous which can cause you pain or threat? Here is how to deal with fear. Fear destabilizes you and prevents you from taking any positive action in or for your life. Find out more about how to be fearless and brave. So then, what is fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is a threat of harm, real or imagined. Fear and anxiety sometimes last for a short time and it passes, but it can also last much longer and sometimes gets stuck with you. In most cases, fear can take over...
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...