When Naomi is born to Leon and Joelle, she brought joy into their lives. They soon discovered that Naomi brought joy into the lives of everyone she shared her smile with. They were touched because they saw the light of Jesus in that smile. ...
The Sheep That Went Astray by author Sandra Lott is a beautifully illustrated book based on the bible story of the Prodigal son. It tells the story of a little sheep that ran away and was later welcomed home by the flock. This adorable story is sure to be one of your child’s favorites. ...
You are a new Christian. You have accepted Christ into your life. Where do you go from here? Many new Christians know they believe, but they don’t know what to do next to grow their faith. This inspirational book by Sandra Lott will give new Christians the direction they need to grow in Christ. ...
Step by Step into a Deeper Walk in Christ is a different type of Devotional. Sandra Lott has created an Interactive Devotional and Bible Study which will help you to develop a closer relationship with Christ. ...
Purchase Deep Waters Within Deep Waters is the story of Jim. Jim is running. He is running from his father, he is running to independence, but mostly he is running from God. Jim is so sure that he can do things on his own that he doesn’t even call home. If he had, he would know that his father is very ill with Leukemia. Although Jim finds Dawn, the love of his life, on his adventure, he keeps feeling that something is missing. Will Jim find his way back home before it is too late? ...
Get ready to overcome discontent and comparison and learn to live fully as the beautiful unique creation God designed you to be! "For Christian women struggling with body and beauty issues, Barb Roose says what we need to hear with humor and intelligence as she applies the truth of God's Word to the cultural challenges we face." -Sandra D. Bricker, author of Live-Out-Loud Fiction, including the Jessie Stanton series. Buy now by clicking here. clicking here. Other Beautiful Already Resources available: Leader guide, 6-week DVD and participant guide. ...