Are you struggling to put all the pieces together? If you are an intelligent, authentic, compassionate, creative, heart-centered, female medical professional (MD, DO, ND, DC, PA, DAc, NP, RN, APRN, resident or medical student) planning your launch into private practice, I’ve been where you are. I understand the doubt, fears, and struggle required to transform your medical practice. Perhaps you’ve taken a leap of faith and started to build your dream. Maybe you’ve already invested a lot of time, money and energy (not to mention blood, sweat and tears!) to get it off the ground....
Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/18/2023
Does the word discipleship sound a bit intimidating? What if making disciples could be relational, renewing, refreshing—and every bit as enjoyable as inviting a friend to coffee? Making disciples relationally was how the early church “did life.” Yet somehow over the years, we’ve outsourced discipleship to a class to attend or a set of rules to follow—rather than a lifestyle to embrace. A healthy blend of knowing Jesus andmaking Him known is what gives the Christian life its savory sweetness, and nothing else will satisfy our deep thirst for connection and significance....
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
We are a spirit-led Ministry, feeding the world with WORD and DEED. Our commission ~ Preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus ChristGlobal outreach through social mediaFeeding the hungryCaring for the enslaved, broken and wearyBiblical Counseling and MentoringLeadership & Discipleship Training To learn more or join our family of monthly givers, go to: ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
We are all called to mentor in Scripture and we all know someone older and someone younger than we are. Part IV above is a sampling of the 4 Part Retreat series, Pouring Out: Mentoring as a Way of Life. Check it out for practical how to get started steps and the why behind it all. ...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 03/31/2020 Featured Christian Speaker, Sue Donaldson, of San Luis Obispo, CA, shares how to extend heartfelt hospitality. We come alongside one another to help take the "misery" out of "commiserate." Sitting at the feet of Jesus makes you qualified to mentor. I’ve come to believe that flexibility- not cleanliness- is next to godliness. We need to keep our "hospitality antennae" is good working order: looking out for the one who may need an invitation to our tables, porches and sofas. We resist inviting people over...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 03/06/2020
We all know someone younger and older! Maybe God is prompting you to mentor, but you don’t know where to begin. Here are 10 practical and curated worksheets to help you from the very first day of your new mentoring relationship! Topics include: “Getting Started: Mentor Questionnaire” “Personal Growth Plan” “Quiet Time: Four Roadblocks to spending time alone with God” and seven more. Buy all ten for 3.99 and begin your next mentoring relationship today! An exciting adventure awaits as you trust God to bring you alongside another. We are blessed...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Table Mentoring: A Simple Guide to Coming Alongside will help you begin sharing with another believer what God continues to teach you. We all know someone older or younger than ourselves, and God wants us mentoring and being mentored at any age. We teach another what we've learned at the feet of Jesus so that they grow up in Jesus. That’s the goal. Not only for fun—though it often is; not only to make a new friend—which usually happens. Mentoring, at a table or not, needs to be part of every believer’s life. We know God so that we can help another to know God....
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Empowerment is an online mentoring program designed to dismantle the defeat and devalue belief cycle and to rebuild on the framework of God's Word. Jesus came so we could live the abundant life. He desires for us to excel, achieve and advance in everything we do. This will only be established when we realize we are valued and valuable. You were born to live the empowered life- of being purposeful, productive, prosperous and powerful. ...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 02/26/2020
The Sav-A-Life Ministry Each year, 9000 women in Alabama believe that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life, Vestavia is the largest pregnancy care center in the Birmingham metropolitan area and is dedicated to putting an end to abortion, not by legal and public policy, but by supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her child from abortion. We work to accomplish this goal by offering free and confidential...
How have you been designed to mentor? This workbook is about you. It is designed to accompany the Legacy book, which is published separately. These pages are designed for self-discovery and self-reflection. It is an invitation to honesty. Who are you really? Where do you want to grow? Who is Jesus to you? It wil introduce you to the art of mentoring. ...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 07/02/2018
Mentoring millennials is an adventure. Join us as we explore who we are, who they are and how the two generations can build community through mentoring. Build your legacy as you build God's Kingdom! Purchase your copy here . ...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 08/20/2017
TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! Woman2Woman: The Naomi & Ruth Experience is an in-depth bible study that transforms the hearts and lives of women who are newer to the faith by providing short lessons that can be shared through a mentoring relationship with a more mature Christian woman. Deborah Ross has developed a comprehensive workbook specifically for women who want to know how to "apply" God's Word to real life struggles. Women of all ages will awaken to the "good news" of God's promises. Unleash your destiny and unlock your full potential as a child of the King! Expect Woman2Woman: The Naomi...
Posted by Deborah Ross on 11/01/2015