Need a little encouragement to keep going? Wanting to rekindle your desire to say Yes to God? Would reminders from God's Word with a dash of lighthearted humor help ? Let's go! Kindle and paperback! God is good, and life can still be hard. Sometimes we need a boost—an infusion of encouragement—to reset our hearts and begin again. The words in this collection of warm, from-the-heart letters will help you rediscover how rich and fulfilling your daily life can be. God has good things planned for you—start anticipating them! You can stop waiting for life to show...
This is the PERFECT GIFT for young girls to plan out, record and live their dreams every day. With all the negativity in this world, young girls need the motivation and inspiration to live our their dreams and to have a safe place to create, imagine and journal their way to success. Great Motivational Journal for girls to write in! Perfect journal size: 8.5 x 11 inches - Plenty of room to design, create and express Can be used as a school notebook to help keep young girls positive and motivated during school 100 Pages of journaling or notebook space Makes a great journaling notebook Lined...
Interview with Linda Olson with Wealth Through Stories Part Two - It’s one thing to enjoy peace when things are going well, it’s another to be content when you have just lost what you love the most. Can pain and joy co-exist? Victoria unlocks the door to more peace in this interview and what allowed her to keep going. ...
Get your free list of tools to help you reach 100+ episodes! Stuck? Uninspired? Don't know if you can keep going? Your podcast sounded like a good idea, but now it's drudgery? These popular tools and resources will help you plan, stay organized and avoid the inevitable burnout! ...