Have you ever found yourself in a childlike state in your relationship with God? Have you ever needed someone to come and walk along side you everyday who relates to your struggles? Ammie Boumann does just that in this daily Devotional Living On The Waves. Each day she brings the Grace and Love of God to you in a relatable way. Her personal journey and redemption story brings hope and light to even your darkest places. She takes you day by day, moment by moment giving you biblical principles and personal encouragement to help you conquer the lies that the enemy uses against you. Each page if...
Have you ever struggled with something that you thought was too big for God? Perhaps it was a failed marriage or bankruptcy or maybe even an illness that you were told you would have for the rest of your life? Ammie Bouwman struggled with each of these things and more, and she discovered that when she finally admitted she was in over here head and needed God to restore here life, that was when He reached down and pulled her up from the depths of her darkness. This is her story. ...