The Emmaus Conversation: An Eyewitness Account from the Unnamed Disciple is a unique and riveting reconstruction from the unnamed disciple’s perspective found in Luke 24 regarding his journey with Cleopas on the road to Emmaus after witnessing Jesus’s crucifixion and burial, along with hearing claims of His empty tomb. Suddenly, a Stranger begins walking with them. With their eyes “prevented” from recognizing Him as the risen Lord Jesus Christ—Yeshua the Messiah, their new, wise Traveling Companion correlates the Old Covenant Scriptures, by way of Moses and the prophets,...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Just Fine, Thank You. (Book 1) Evelyn Leite’s true story of growing up in a turbulent family during the 40s and 50s captivates us with feelings like confusion, despair, sorrow and fear, plus unexplainable hope and optimism. Amidst loving her daddy, feeling anxious, yet enjoying big-family gatherings, Leite’s life from age five included neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more. Dance Like There's No Tomorrow (Book 2) Evelyn’s story continues near a cowboy town where she is exposed to multitudes of buff construction workers, fueled with the exuberance...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Eight week, in-depth Bible study in workbook format. Through this study, you will watch the budding father of a nation question God's plans, take matters into his own hand, and, at times, compromise truth. Like us, Abraham made mistakes along his journey with God. However, he learned to trust God more fully with each misstep and ultimately became a great man of faith. Through Abraham's story, you will gain a greater understanding of the covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants. You will find a greater sense of peace and security as you discover your inheritance as Abraham's...
Posted by Mindy Ferguson on 05/10/2018
Moses was an eyewitness to the glory of God. Despite his sometimes crippling sense of inadequacy, he was chosen to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Moses’ encounters with our Lord enabled him to continue despite his personal sense of unworthiness and the many obstacles and hardships he experienced along the way. “He persevered because he saw Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). As you see God move on behalf of His people during the Exodus, you will gain a greater revelation of His matchless power and holy character. The same God who was concerned about His people’s...
Posted by Mindy Ferguson on 10/28/2015
The apostle Peter is mentioned more times in the four gospels than anyone other than Jesus Christ Himself. Peter was praised more than any other disciple. He was also rebuked more than any other disciple. In this study, you will see Peter fail and you will see him succeed. You will get a laugh or two at his expense, and you just may shed a tear or two with him as well. His imperfections make him lovable, and his victories give us hope. Peter had a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. That relationship brought Peter to the point of abandoning not only his nets for Christ, but...
Posted by Mindy Ferguson on 10/28/2015