The guide to abide came as a result of frustration in my faith life… I heard the way other people talked about intimacy with God and a thriving relationship with Holy Spirit, but I didn’t have that. I was doing all the things I was taught to do in my faith, but something was missing. And even though I had a daily devotional routine, something about it didn’t quite fit me. I knew there was something more. And I wanted it. If you’ve ever felt this way, this guide to abide is for you. It’s not prescriptive and it won’t solve all your problems,...
Weary and exhausted? Discover how to embrace rest, set boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt, shame, or fear. Experience energy, happiness, and creativity for your life and relationships. *Discover the relationship between trust and rest *How rest positions you for God's best *Actionable ways to incorporate rest in the middle of a busy schedule This self-care session was part of The Best Your 2022 event. ...