“Long ago, God gave the perfect gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a lowly manger. Was God watching to see how each heart would respond? Let’s explore each character in the Christmas story and discover their responses and their hearts. Maybe along the way we’ll find our own heart’s response to the greatest gift ever given.” The book Make Your Heart a Mange r describes how each person in the Christmas story responded to the birth of the Savior. ...
Posted by Karen Porter on 10/22/2024
Laundry is a never-ending part of life. You can only ignore it for so long. Laundry Organizing Tips gives you a fresh look at dirty laundry and is a jumpstart to organizing your laundry room. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of laundry includes: 1) A room for doing the family wash. 2) Clothes or linens that have been or are to be laundered. Did you realize that the laundry room is the only room in the home that’s associated with a chore? Think about it. Mentally walk through your home and name the rooms: dining room, kitchen, family room, bedroom, bathroom. All of...
Posted by Major Mom on 09/16/2024
Are you tired of being stressed out every time you get in your vehicle? Are your frustrations growing because you’re always driving or riding in a messy or cluttered vehicle? Have you found yourself in a situation where you need a simple item immediately, but you just don’t have it with you or you can’t remember where you put it? If your family is active and always on the go - a disorganized vehicle can easily become an unnecessary challenge and a source of repeated confusion, especially if your vehicle is also the family vehicle. On average, Americans spend about two-and-a-half...
Posted by Major Mom on 09/16/2024
Picture it: Your counters are clear. Your pantry is organized. Your paperwork is filed, and your desk is clean. You can easily find what you need when you need it, and there aren’t any boxes crammed with mystery items lurking in your closets or filling up your garage. You now have the organized home you’ve always wanted, and it feels … wonderful. In today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking world, being organized is not a luxury. It is a necessity. And it isn’t important just so you can showcase a beautifully organized closet to your friends. It’s important so you...
Posted by Major Mom on 09/16/2024
Are you frustrated while waiting and waiting for your situation to turn around? Does the waiting season seem like it will never end? Are you wondering why it is taking so long to resolve your situation? Are you asking -- “Why am I here?” Welcome to the waiting room! This is where you will learn how to have a rich, full life, as you seek the Lord and bask in His presence – waiting. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...