Song lyrics are poems at heart. Words that come from a deep discovery of the love of God. These poems are song lyrics – some realized, some needing music – that Yvette wrote at the same time as the devotional, Whispering in His Ear, came to life. We talk to God. Sometimes. But we really don't expect a response. Neither do we look for him in everyday situations. Yvette does, and she tells of her simple but poignant life lessons with God in these lyrics! Yvette Walker's testimony drives this book of poetry: that you can be a believer all your life without fully understanding...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
As precious as they are, pearls don’t come easy. They take years to develop, and they start with a tiny grain of sand—an irritant. Something that doesn’t belong. Something painful and unwanted. Something you wouldn’t wish on anyone. Yet, over time, that grain of sand is transformed into something new. Something beautiful and priceless. Something you wouldn’t trade for anything. The “Pearls of Wisdom” in this book were born out of pain and hurt, both physical and emotional. Yet God took that pain and breathed purpose into it. Perhaps you’re wondering...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 02/21/2022
Life can be messy. Life can be difficult. Life can be painful. It's part of being human. Experiencing the struggles in life, in a way, reminds us we are alive. Yet through these struggles and often times pain, we can find beauty once again. For God is able to take our deepest disappointment and use it for His greatest good. The "Pearls of Wisdom" in this book were born out of pain and hurt, both physical and emotional. There were questions, doubts, and many tears. There was also restoration, healing, and a new understanding of God's grace. Whether you are currently enduring...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 02/21/2022
Are you experiencing depression, sadness, or loss of hope? If so, don’t let the enemy steal one more day. Finding Joy Again addresses your sadness and the lies of the enemy, giving you the principles of truth that will help you find your joy again. Each chapter is followed by a breakout session that allows you to dive deeper, answer questions, take notes, and record your journey to joy. It’s perfect for personal study and small group settings. You can find your joy again! ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Learn ways to establish solid habits in daily tasks so peace can permeate the chaos of this complicated world through living every day simple. Learn more CLICK HERE Down-to-earth tips about questions in life. Who am I? Why do my feelings get hurt so easily? Why do I keep doing things I don't want to do?To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 02/11/2022
Discover the hopes and plans God has for your life—ones filled with purpose and impact—and not only as a Mom but as His beloved and precious daughter. Imagine: Releasing lies that hold you back and waking up with the confidence to mother without guilt or shame.Finding your best friend, the One who helps you find your heart's desires.Discovering your purpose as Mom and as daughter of the King.Being filled and led with joy, peace, love, hope, and grace.Taking care of your whole self and igniting deep connection with and faith in your children. Going through The S.O.A.R. Method Coaching...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
Enjoy this printable document detailing the various topics Natalie shares. She realizes it's sometime more helpful to have a hard copy to share with your leadership team as you decide on the right speaker for your event. Hope you find it useful! ...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
A demonstration of ingenuity and strength, Remarkable Caregiving features the true stories of six ordinary people thrown into the role of caregiving: a law-abiding woman forced to kidnap a loved one, a man who served as the “relief pitcher” for his best friend, parents of children born with disabilities, a woman born into poverty, a daughter who cares for her dad, and a woman who found her purpose in life becoming a full-time, live-in family member to two adults with Down syndrome. Not only a good read, but this book is also a teaching tool for groups to learn...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 02/06/2022
The result of the mass genocide in Cambodia, (1975- 1979) was the loss of one-fourth of the Cambodian population. That’s more than two million people who died under the tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, before a Vietnamese invasion forced the hideous regime to give up control of the central government in 1979. Remarkably, some people survived this horrific oppression and have lived to tell their stories of how they managed to do so, despite almost impossible odds. One of those people is Sara Im. Sara shares the remarkable challenges she faced and how she found her way to freedom...
Posted by Sara Im on 02/02/2022
Messy Journey is for parents walking the difficult road with a wayward child. Be inspired to drink the deep waters of peace as you draw closer to the Father of all prodigals. Author and licensed parent and family educator Lori Wildenberg offers practical grace- and truth-filled ways of navigating your relationship with a detoured child—whether they are rejecting faith, dabbling in sin, or wholeheartedly embracing sinful behavior. There is hope. After all, their struggle isn’t really with you—it’s with God. ...
Posted by Lori Wildenberg on 02/01/2022
How Can I Give My Child Hope? “I’m such a failure.” “No one cares about me.” “I haven’t felt happy for a long time.” “I don’t want to live anymore.” If you have heard your child utter these words, your fear for their well-being has skyrocketed. But what can you do to help them? Some experts say that depression and anxiety are the new normal. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people. As parents, we cannot accept this. Many young people feel helpless and hopeless. Our kids must be equipped with more than resilience...
Posted by Lori Wildenberg on 02/01/2022
Are you tired of wrestling with the performance mentality? You were never meant to strive to survive. Embrace a fresh perspective of how God desires for you to flourish. Discover how your perception of God impacts everything Discover how your perception of yourself can derail you Discover how your thoughts can be challenged for good An ordained minister, Melissa Pearce, mentors women to understand the power they have when they embrace their identity in Christ, which is not based upon what they do, but on their Who. Don't forget to grab your free gift! ...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 01/23/2022