The Process for the Progress was written to give women of all ages hope. It's a true story about survival, domestic survival. God has been amazing and kind. He saw fit to let me live and be a living testimony of what prayers and belief can do to help you survive. My prayer is that the book helps someone through the process. ...
Posted by Tonnia Cotton on 11/11/2021
Are you at a point in your life where you want to give up right now? Are you facing an obstacle that seems impossible to overcome? Are you tired of simply accepting what comes at you instead of living the courageous life you know you were meant to live? Leslie Jackson understands that feeling. In her book, Change Course; One Lady’s Race from Acceptance to Adventure, Leslie shares the serious trials she’s faced in her life—and how she overcame them. ...
Posted by Leslie Jackson on 09/02/2021
During this interview with Marnie and guest, Mycel Acquaah-Mensah, author of the newly released journal, Fearless and Brave, you’ll discover: • 5 ways to identify your potential by changing your minds. • The most important reason to make the right decision at the right time. • Why living without a purpose doesn't work and what to do about it. • The number three reasons you must act now. • The biggest mistake of negative words and how to avoid it. • The easiest way to guard your mind. • 3 simple strategies...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 07/16/2021
During "Finding Joy In A Messy Life: Living with & Loving a Depressed Husband" you’ll discover: • The one foundational truth that will never let you down. • 5 keys to staying sane while living with insanity. • The most important mindset for making it through the roughest seasons. • 3 verses to keep in your purse (and on your heart). • The most shockingly sad realities about this type of journey, and how to forgive. • What to do when you cannot figure out what to do. • 4 insider secret...
Posted by Carole Leathem on 06/21/2021
Train to Reign: Living Your True Identity with Victory & Authority. During this session with Marnie and guest, Holly LaChappell, you’ll discover: Why DIY behavior modification doesn’t work and what to do about it.The most important aspect of your relationship with Jesus—and it’s not about performance. How to be a life catcher and a life giver, and the #1 reason you must act now. Your own Suffering-Coping Personality and the biggest mistakes we make emotionally, and how to avoid it. 6 simple strategies to grow your faith, courage, resiliency, self-control,...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 06/11/2021
Depending on God amid the noise, confusion, and troubles around you lands on a solid ground in Him and there is nothing in this world that can defeat you or take away your peace. To affirm God’s goodness amidst difficult times is as much an act of worship as it is a sign of integrity. Those who have trusted in Christ Jesus for salvation were never meant to live defeated, despairing, boxed-in, unhappy lives. In Romans 5:17, Paul writes that the “abundance of grace” we have received and receive every day, along with the gift of righteousness, enables us to “reign...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Stronger Than You Think! During this interview with Marnie and guest, Karolyn Smith, you’ll discover: The difference between Holy Spirit inspired “self-control” and will powered “self-control.”What it means for a Christian woman to “Self Elevate” and why God is interested in us taking care of our “selves.”The 3 “Self Elevations” and why focusing on Spiritual Wellness is the most important.Why living life without a strategy doesn't work and what to do about it.The importance of self-care and the reason you must act now.The...
Posted by Karolyn Smith on 04/07/2021
You know just because that storm is over, it doesn't mean there won't be others. And you know that people around you either are or soon will be experiencing their own flash floods and hurricanes. It's time to let them know how you got through, and how they can, too. The CD includes original and cover songs recorded at Sweetwater Sound, Fort Wayne, IN. ...
Posted by Debbie Roth on 01/18/2021
FREE! Kindle Download Dec.2 (midnight PST)-Dec. 5 (midnight PST) Paperback will be available too! Train To Reign: Living Your True Identity With Victory And Authority - Kindle edition by LaChappell, Holly. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ ...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 12/01/2020
Deborah Lovett / Bellbrook, OH / FAITH it ‘til you make it—to heaven that is!God’s Word is the closed captioning for the hearing impaired!You are not being picked on; you are being picked out!Don’t get stuck on the sticky paper of life!When we drink the Living Water, we have the H2O to Outlove, Outlast, and Outlive everyone.We need to ADVANCE the Kingdom of God, not RETREAT!God left His calling card for us: The Bible.Truth travels by way of testimony.Never say God didn’t give you a BMW! “Believe Me Woman!” John 4:21Is...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/26/2019
Deedy's forgiveness story is featured in the Faith & Freedom Anthology available HERE . ...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 09/18/2019