Do you dream of life as an heir to a majestic empire but wake up to the nightmare of a tormented, broken, and desperate reality? Experiencing the magnificent, eternal Kingdom should be a daily routine. Yet when the soil of yesterday’s fray dulls life’s luster, we miss out on its hope and promise. Author Leah Fort knows this first hand. Traumatic events in her childhood wrapped her in a prison of fear, which she learned to cloak with the fools’ gold of achievement. An encounter with The King broke through the façade, shattered the veil of fear,...
Posted by Leah Fort on 04/07/2020
Rhonda Noordyk, CFEI | The Women’s Financial Wellness Center|8/3/2018 Going through divorce is a very powerful experience that shapes our characters. It is a time when we are tested to the core, challenged, and prepared for something greater. But divorce does not define us. Divorce is an event that we go through in life. Today’s guest is Dori Pulse, the founder of Girl for God Ministries and author of Everything Changed When I Said 'I Do'. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Theology, is a part of a step family for almost 20 years, facilitates divorce care...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 02/13/2020
The Hope Journey Walk event opens your eyes to prayer opportunities. In a busy world we "live routinely" driving down the same streets every day. When you walk and begin to seek God's will over a community. Watch now! ...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/03/2020
One of the greatest gifts we can give to a community is to show our support by praying for them. Hope Journey organizes an event that brings prayer awareness to those who participate and together making a difference one step at a time!...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/03/2020
1. For now! For now, this is happening; but it isn’t forever! 2. TIME on TASK. 3. Grow up in Christ, mature in your walk, and live a life worthy of the calling. 4. I know that I know. Deb Copeland lives to give. An author, world class entrepreneur, former Fortune 500 executive, adoptive parent, philanthropist, ministry leader, wife, mother, and lover of souls, Deb has spoken to multitudes from coast to coast. With clarity and authenticity, she shares how Jesus Christ has sustained her through her darkest, most difficult times, and how you, too, can experience His grace. Learn more at ...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 09/26/2019
Deb Copeland's book chronicles the life of a woman down on her luck at a young age who makes a fateful decision to turn her life around. Broken family, dying mother, drug addiction, broken marriage, and personal health problems are just a few of her hurdles. In spite of this all, she manages to turn her life around, build a successful business, a successful family, and a successful life. Ms. Copeland not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. She is an impressive motivational speaker and readers are fortunate that she has reduced her thoughts and strategies on self motivation to the pages...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/20/2019
Step by Step into a Deeper Walk in Christ is a different type of Devotional. Sandra Lott has created an Interactive Devotional and Bible Study which will help you to develop a closer relationship with Christ. ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 07/31/2019
Walking With God Stepping out in Faith and Accepting the Unpredictable A hardback journal with 284 pages. Journal your walk with God and be inspired by DiAnn Mills’ favorite quotes and Scripture passages. Author: DiAnn Mills Genre: Non-Fiction Publisher:DM Publishing Publication Year:November 2015 Journal available exclusively by prior arrangement with author appearance. View Book Sample ...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 07/15/2019
The Sav-A-Life Ministry Each year, 9000 women in Alabama believe that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life, Vestavia is the largest pregnancy care center in the Birmingham metropolitan area and is dedicated to putting an end to abortion, not by legal and public policy, but by supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her child from abortion. We work to accomplish this goal by offering free and confidential...
Have you ever found yourself in a childlike state in your relationship with God? Have you ever needed someone to come and walk along side you everyday who relates to your struggles? Ammie Boumann does just that in this daily Devotional Living On The Waves. Each day she brings the Grace and Love of God to you in a relatable way. Her personal journey and redemption story brings hope and light to even your darkest places. She takes you day by day, moment by moment giving you biblical principles and personal encouragement to help you conquer the lies that the enemy uses against you. Each page if...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019
The Bible declares: “For many are called (invited, summoned), but few are chosen.”The Shepherd’s Call is a powerful equipping study guide to be utilized primarily in helping train future pastors and leaders to walk in their shepherd calling. The writer, by utilizing the studies of others and the pure unadulterated Word of God, compiles this study to help churches train ministers and pastors that will strengthen the body of Christ. The study is exhausted with information about how to become a shepherd after God’s heart. It is divided into 18 weeks to help guide...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18 gives a vivid description of the warfare armor provided to the believer. In Weapons for Victory, the author gives a vibrant description of how, by employing this arsenal she was equipped to gain access to Satan’s camp, retrieve her stuff that was stolen, and walk away in victory. The book takes the reader into the world of the writer as she uses the tools of God’s Word to prepare for deployment, face it head on, and emerge a winner every time. The reader is given a panoramic view of a storm, which though at times grew boisterous, was the avenue God...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019