FOR THE BRAND-NEW CHRISTIAN The second book in the Grace Warrior Devotional Series. Grace looked at the challenging list. Today she had to be wife, mother, daughter, and boss. Be caring, creative, and – she scribbled across the top of the page – be nice. She turned to the throne. “How can I successfully serve you with so much to do?” “Daughter,” he said. “I have told you the way. Remember the most important edict, and all will be well.” Grace Warrior bowed in obedience. She was at the King’s command. GRACE WARRIOR – At the King’s...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 08/29/2017
FOR THE BRAND-NEW CHRISTIAN Book One of the Grace Warrior Devotional Series. There was a time when life dumped on, stepped on, and overlooked the woman. She searched for love, only to find rejection. Lies stripped away her dignity while antidotes for stress left her numb. She did all she could, but it was never enough. Desperate, she fell to her knees and cried out, “Help me!” God answered. She’s the King’s daughter now. She is Grace Warrior, and she’s been bathed in mercy – clothed in grace. GRACE WARRIOR – Bathed in Mercy, Clothed in Grace is...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 08/29/2017
Janet can make a beautiful book and resource table for your event, to include the following books she has written (plus THREE more exciting ones in 2018!): PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman Prayer, Strength and Disciple (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Daily PrayerWalk: Meditations for a Deeper Prayer Life (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Prayer Changes Teens: How to Parent from Your Knees (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)PrayerStreaming: How to Stay in Touch with God All Day Long (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)My Prayer Buddy Devotional: For a Sisterhood of Prayer Partners (AMG)Girlfriend Gatherings: Creative Ways to Stay Connected...
Posted by Janet McHenry on 08/08/2017
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 18, 2017 Press Release Experience more of God’s power and presence Sheryl Giesbrecht leads readers to explore God’s character through His names Seattle: What’s in a name? Names are more than groups of letters that represent a person or identify objects. Names are powerful. A person’s character and destiny can be influenced by his or her name. When it comes to God, His attributes and personality support His unique and distinct names. In Experiencing God Through His Names (Bold Vision Books/June17, 2016/ISBN:...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 05/18/2017
Dear Leader, I’m so thankful for your sweet service to our Lord, and your desire to lead others to follow Him more closely. Your job is so important! Especially as we talk about moving in a new direction: from Control Girls to Jesus Girls. As we study the stories of seven controlling women in the Bible, we’ll be looking for two things: Warnings and lessons for ourselves.New insights about God. Yet our goal is broader than just knowing new things. We want to turn in a new direction because we see and know and believe what is true. And what is true about this subject of control?...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
A companion resource for Control Girl:Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Bible . We've compiled each chapter’s meditations into one handy chart for you. You may print these out and distribute as you like. Individuals might like to use the charts to meditate or review, and leaders can use the charts for that week’s discussion in group. Available for free download at ...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Little fights with your husband and kids. Unhappiness when things don’t match your version of perfect. Tension, anger, fear, anxiety–it all begins with a heart that craves control. When your perspective of how life should go replaces God’s, you doom your quest for security, peace, and joy before it even starts. Thankfully, there is a better way. Join Shannon as she shares what she has discovered about her own control struggles and about God from studying seven Control Girls in the Bible. Whether it was Eve’s desire to know instead of trust, Sarah’s inability...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Would you like to take your prayer life to a new level? Then "The Art of Prayer" is for you and your group! Using a variety of art mediums, special music and the power of story, Lori can lead your group through this interactive, fun, and meaningful workshop. Whether you're an artist, writer, doodler, or none of these, this workshop is powerful and moving. Best for groups of 30 or less, but can be adapted for larger settings. Most supplies provided (including tissues, girls!) and workshop fee is negotiable. ...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 03/13/2017
Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Jesus A 4 Session Retreat based on the Books of 1 John, and James...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/26/2017
A free, downloadable PDF guide to leading and growing your women's ministry group. I've been a women's ministry leader and I know where you are! This tool is meant to encourage you and make your life flow just a little bit better. Based on the various needs and desires of different personalities, how should women's ministry look? What is our vision? How do we build a team of leaders and help them to grow spiritually? What techniques can we use to include those guests sitting on the sidelines to become involved? And what's the best way to reach out and invite...
Posted by Deb Potts on 09/15/2016
Be encouraged! You can choose to be healthy, strong and vibrantly alive! Making good, healthy choices isn't always easy. Sometimes you need someone special, a best friend, to help and guide you through the surplus of diet and exercise options and walk with you through the journey. Michelle Medlock Adams is that best friend, wellness coach, and encourager who will walk beside you on your journey to better health and caring for the one and only you. In Love & Care For the One and Only You , you'll find 52 devotions with accompanying Scriptures that are power packed...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 08/11/2016
You can use a story or illustration to push deeper than just a surface meaning. It can captivate your audience while communicating a spiritual truth. In her workshop, "Plots, Props & Performances," Lori can teach members of your team how to use the power of drama to take their personal story or message to the next level. Using drama can help engage your audience in a way that they might not normally participate. Instead of tuning out at another “testimony story,” they can become engrossed into the saga of the heroine’s life. Workshop fee is negotiable,...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 05/24/2016