No matter what you need to work on; relationships, goals, career, mindset, or something else – Jesus in your life is the best investment in yourself. Leaning into Jesus and all that He has for you along with the Holy Spirit pointing out things you can’t see with your current lens, plus loving and encouraging you will bring you into victory! Friend, link arms with me as we do this together with Jesus and Holy Spirit who is our comforter, guide and strength. We will win when we choose victory, choose Jesus, and never quit! "And I pray that you, being rooted...
Posted by Leslie Jackson on 12/30/2022
Does the word discipleship sound a bit intimidating? What if making disciples could be relational, renewing, refreshing—and every bit as enjoyable as inviting a friend to coffee? Making disciples relationally was how the early church “did life.” Yet somehow over the years, we’ve outsourced discipleship to a class to attend or a set of rules to follow—rather than a lifestyle to embrace. A healthy blend of knowing Jesus andmaking Him known is what gives the Christian life its savory sweetness, and nothing else will satisfy our deep thirst for connection and significance....
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
“I know what it is to feel powerless in the face of oppression and feel as if there is no way out.” Evelyn Leite This interview addresses how change is difficult for most of us. Leite shares that this is especially true when life, like hers, was full of crisis, unpredictability and a home filled with intense difficulty, trouble and danger. Discover how Evelyn rose out of anxiety, depression and alcoholism in the family, including an abusive husband, to find hope and stability in God. “The greatest challenge for all of us is to learn how to protect ourselves...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
You Are Beautiful! Devotions to Help You Understand Your Worth & Purpose POCKET EDITION contains the same great lessons as the first edition but with updated content, a fresh, new look inside and a compact package outside! Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Everything—which includes you! Do you have trouble believing that? If so, you’re not alone. As girls and women, it's easy to become insecure about our appearance when we're bombarded with images depicting "perfection.” Comparison becomes part...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 08/06/2022
An eight minute chat video done in 2020 addressing lessons from the Divorce Care class I was facilitating. Thoughts on responding versus reacting to emotional challenges such as anger. One hour presentation with Q & A. ...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 07/13/2022
Your Emotions Matters! Your emotional life matters. It's closely related to your mental health, and it effects your physical health. Being emotionally healthy empowers you to thrive in life. Download and write in this FREE 30 Day Journal to: Track your emotions through awareness and mindfulness.Inspire you with positive quotes every day.Empower an intentional life....
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 06/27/2022
The Divorce Remix Podcast (formerly Move The Finish Line), provides actionable tools, tips, and resources to help divorced people confidently rebuild their lives with independence, purpose, and joy. Navigating Your Career After Divorce with Brenda Cunningham Healing After Heartbreak with Kenyon and Taccara Martin When Love Finds You with Evelyn Sprattlin ...
Posted by April Nowlin on 06/06/2022
STOP Dreaming, START DOING! by Linette Rainville This eBook is one of Linette Rainville's most popular publications available as a free download! DISCOVER your BIG WHYDISMANTLE your border BULLIESWRITE the VISIONSay HELLO to your WHOTake INVENTORYDRAFT your BLUEPRINTLAUNCH your DREAM!...
Posted by Linette Rainville on 03/13/2022
At a time of year where we feel we "should " feel joyful, the extra stress and responsibilities of the holidays, loss of loved ones and more, can cause this to be a real struggle. Add to this the challenges we've faced in the last 2 years with COVID-19, and joy can be hard to find. At the BCC Women's Christmas Brunch, Ammie shared her own experiences in a way that allowed many to relate to her journey. She reminded us where our true joy comes from. Ammie provided encouragement and reminders from scripture that allowed the ladies attending to leave the event feeling lighter and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
We are a spirit-led Ministry, feeding the world with WORD and DEED. Our commission ~ Preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus ChristGlobal outreach through social mediaFeeding the hungryCaring for the enslaved, broken and wearyBiblical Counseling and MentoringLeadership & Discipleship Training To learn more or join our family of monthly givers, go to: ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Listen on the go! Welcome! Each week you will enjoy Tuesday teachings, Sunday sermons, and other inspirational, encouraging thoughts from Chaplain, author, and international speaker, Ammie Bouwman. ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022