Joan E. Murray relays emotionally powerful stories sharing God’s love, and demonstrates the healing power of Jesus through enlightening biblical commentary and personal testimonies. Her book, Lord, Make Me Whole, encourages Christian spiritual growth as she includes inspiring narratives of recovery. Her narratives takes personal stories of brokenness and examples of pain, as characters―both biblical and non-biblical―turn to God and achieve spiritual growth as well as personal growth. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 2 contains the books: Overcoming Loneliness and AlonenessHope in Difficult SeasonsWorship - Our Deepest Need To discover more please go to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 1 contains the books: Flow Through Me, LordFreedom in The SonShow Me How to LoveBoldness in Christ Joan Murray is totally committed to helping...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Through these inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories, Joan takes you deep into the lives of many people who were unsure they could survive their painful struggles. They learned to trust God,and were victorious. You will be too. These stories will inspire and encourage you as you make the decision to trust God completely, because He can be TRUSTED. This workbook is the companion to Joan's book, "You Can TRUST Him." Buy the book and the workbook and take your first steps towards trusting GOD! Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Pain and suffering in our lives do not equal a lack of love from God. Instead, they reveal, at the right time, a divine and perfect purpose packed with love. Are you searching for hope amidst a trial? Beauty Beyond the Thorns offers a transformative perspective on where it can be found. Darci weaves biblical stories with modern-day stories, including her arduous journey through chronic pain, to demonstrate how God can turn life’s unexpected curveballs into victorious home runs. This is a story about the upside of suffering. In Beauty Beyond the Thorns, you will learn: Suggestions...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 08/06/2022
Beauty Beyond the Thorns Study Guide: Discovering Gifts in Suffering is a companion to the book, Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering. In this study guide, you will be led to write about your journey of suffering so that you can find the beauty often hidden behind hardship. Each chapter draws information from the book, encouraging you to personalize its teachings so you not only read stories of healing, but you also experience personal healing. Study Guide for Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering is a study guide...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 08/06/2022
Hair Goddess is an anthology of stories about hair -- how we wear it, and how it wears us. The contributors -- 14 women and one man -- explore the issues of hair, both natural and processed, curly and straight, as it relates to race, culture and the societal standards of today. "Hair Goddess" is filled with a variety of viewpoints: diverse, humorous and poignant. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
A demonstration of ingenuity and strength, Remarkable Caregiving features the true stories of six ordinary people thrown into the role of caregiving: a law-abiding woman forced to kidnap a loved one, a man who served as the “relief pitcher” for his best friend, parents of children born with disabilities, a woman born into poverty, a daughter who cares for her dad, and a woman who found her purpose in life becoming a full-time, live-in family member to two adults with Down syndrome. Not only a good read, but this book is also a teaching tool for groups to learn...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 02/06/2022
The result of the mass genocide in Cambodia, (1975- 1979) was the loss of one-fourth of the Cambodian population. That’s more than two million people who died under the tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, before a Vietnamese invasion forced the hideous regime to give up control of the central government in 1979. Remarkably, some people survived this horrific oppression and have lived to tell their stories of how they managed to do so, despite almost impossible odds. One of those people is Sara Im. Sara shares the remarkable challenges she faced and how she found her way to freedom...
Posted by Sara Im on 02/02/2022
Captivating and eye opening, this short study equips the reader with confidence in who she is and who she was created to be. Young women today struggle with self-image in almost every area of life. Through real, relatable stories and scriptures to strengthen confidence, this 14-day study is great to do alone or in a small group setting. ...
Posted by Misty Fitch on 11/05/2021
If you are experiencing a season of suffering, you will find hope, humor, and healing throughout the pages of Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering . Modern-day stories of suffering are paralleled with biblical accounts that will both enrich your understanding of the Bible and provide hope for your personal journey. We all need healing, whether experiencing physical or emotional pain from the thorns of divorce, job loss, grief, addiction, disability, or financial troubles. When we follow Jesus, God offers us gifts such as joy, hope, compassion, and mercy to help us...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 10/30/2021