A picture is worth a thousand words someone once said. Therefore, I have compiled a small collection of pictures of speaking engagements and working with people. Some settings are traditional and some are not. ...
Original dramas about women in the Bible who have done brave and courageous deeds for the glory of God. Using the Bible as my foundation, I bring in historical and thought provoking scenarios both to entertain and enhance discussions. All are written in first person so you feel that each woman is speaking directly to you....
Torment! How do women conquer torment? Many women experience the ramifications of either outside forces or the misguided assumptions that evoke personal defenses of their mind. Even in speaking to women about this, I had to come to grips with the actual torment from both arenas of outer voices and inner turmoil to learn how to overcome with victory, poise and grace. In this teaching you will learn what torment is, how it is applied, the devices of torment and how to be confident in your own victory. You can finally put the loud, oppressing voices to rest. There are specific spirits that operate...
Thank you for your interest in my speaking ministry. If you would like to see some video clips of me or hear some audio clips from some of my talks, please visit my CurlyGirl4God YouTube Channel. God bless you for what you are doing for His kingdom! ...