FROM THE AUTHOR: I love LOVE STORIES don’t you? In If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy I laughed and I cried as I wrote about the love stories of people like: -Charles & Susanna Spurgeon -Priscilla & Aquila - As well as what historians observed about the deep love between The Apostle Peter and his wife. And I am confident I shared way too many intimate details about my own marriage with the love-of-my-life Steve Stoppe! You’re gonna learn so much about how men think from Steve as he wrote at the end of each chapter a section called: From...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017
The inspirational true story of Lori Hynson, a stressed, striving SuperGal who was prideful, controlling, and outwardly successful. But behind closed doors, her Shadow Face took over. Unchurched until her mid-40's, she was a shallow Christian, a church-goer who saw God as a nice, Sunday Acquaintance. But when she finds joy, and six short weeks later tragedy strikes, Lori is determined to fix things all on her own, just as she has always done. She makes demands of God, but when He doesn't respond according to her wishes, she resolves to go it alone. On the worst night of her...
Posted by Lori Hynson on 04/26/2017
Over 7,000 people have participated in this plan on the YouVersion Bible App. If you’re thinking about adoption, one of the greatest fears is not knowing how it will impact your family. For those already participating, learning to navigate the dynamics adoption adds without your family imploding remains on the mental front burner. Having two biological and six adopted children, I understand. You can navigate adoption without ruining your family. The endeavor can be priceless. This reading plan is different than most others I write, as it is so personal. In this twelve day plan, I have...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 04/25/2017
Over 23,000 people have completed this reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App. Is it wrong to want to be radiant? What if the desire isn’t simply a sinful quest of vanity, but a God-instilled hunger to reflect His definition of beauty: joy in God. Could people recognize your joy by gazing into your face? Or has your joy gone missing? In this seven day plan, discover how your joy can be restored, even in difficult situations, by learning to fight for radiance. This plan is available in four languages! ...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 04/25/2017
Over 68,000 people have completed this reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App. We want lives that bear fruit. From making lasting impacts in the lives of those closest to us, to touching those in the furthest reaches of our spheres of influence, a longing—not just for some fruit, but for lives that bear abundant fruit persists. Is this just narcissism or God-given desire? Discover God’s longing for you and how you can increase your bloom ability in this 5-day reading plan. ...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 04/22/2017
The pain of betrayal is paralyzing. Whether it seeps in slowly or smashes into your world like a wrecking ball, it’s hard to breathe, much less make any sort of forward motion. And it’s easy to stay stuck. Keep Walking is a 40 day devotional that will help women discover a way through the trauma of betrayal. With compassion and grace she shares the thoughts and scriptures that helped her navigate the wreckage of her own life. Here's what the experts are saying: Lynn Marie Cherry has added a much-needed resource for the recovery community. Wounded partners of sex addicts...
Posted by Lynn Marie Cherry on 04/20/2017
Little fights with your husband and kids. Unhappiness when things don’t match your version of perfect. Tension, anger, fear, anxiety–it all begins with a heart that craves control. When your perspective of how life should go replaces God’s, you doom your quest for security, peace, and joy before it even starts. Thankfully, there is a better way. Join Shannon as she shares what she has discovered about her own control struggles and about God from studying seven Control Girls in the Bible. Whether it was Eve’s desire to know instead of trust, Sarah’s inability...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Have you ever attempted to study a book of the Bible but lost the drive just after beginning? Maybe you're feeling drawn to read your Bible more but not sure where to begin. Walk Through Ephesians, A 20-Day Journey is a study that breaks down the book into comprehensive chunks. The book combines 5 different writers, who candidly share their common everyday messes, and point out the biblical applications to life's crazies. On this walk, we're holding nothing back. We'll be traveling over HOT terrain topics like: How our identity shapes our relationship with God and his people. Our position and...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/18/2016
When Chocolate Isn't Enough is a devotional for every mom. That's because being a mother is like baking the perfect chocolate dessert--a mix of sweet, rich, and spicy with just enough salt to bring out the flavor. Some days it is all cupcakes and tea parties and others it is dark chocolate candy bars at night after the kids have gone to bed. Each day you try to say the right thing and be the perfect parent, but that doesn't always happen, and that is OK. God is still in our corner, parenting us so that we can be better parents. He made us. He knows we're not perfect, and...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 08/11/2016
Has life overwhelmed you? Does fear for tomorrow rob your sleep? Do you hunger for peace and reassurance? Whether you have been faced with blindness, cancer, depression, fear, loneliness, or the pain of losing a child, Janet invites you to walk with her down the path to complete healing, peace, serenity, and incredible success. In Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life, Janet walks with you through the journey from pain to peace…from heartache to healing. Written in a warm, friend-to-friend style and packed with real-life stories, Janet’s writing sparks...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 08/11/2016
Do you live under constant pressure? Does it feel like a world of stress and anxiety is weighing down on you? I’ve been there, too. Stress and anxiety were my constant companions after I woke up one morning, held my hand before my face, and saw nothing. I had no choice but to learn how to face complete blindness. Years later, my youngest son was murdered and the man responsible was set free. Misery? That’s what awaited me. But instead, because of God’s presence, success, confidence and peace now shine in my life. And you can triumph, too. I will show you how. I’m honored to point...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 08/11/2016
The word marriage is a powerful word, the word divorce is too, women often times will compromise who they are just to be married. What I've found out is the woman is excited about the wedding day, the man is excited about the honeymoon, but no one is talking about the marriage and that is what you'll live. This book was written to provide a instructions on what you as a woman should be looking for be aware that God has a very specific plan for your life, as women he didn't give us the job to find a husband, that is the mans job Proverbs 18 says whoso findeth a wife findeth a good...
Posted by Roz Brown on 05/07/2016