Picture it: Your counters are clear. Your pantry is organized. Your paperwork is filed, and your desk is clean. You can easily find what you need when you need it, and there aren’t any boxes crammed with mystery items lurking in your closets or filling up your garage. You now have the organized home you’ve always wanted, and it feels … wonderful. In today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking world, being organized is not a luxury. It is a necessity. And it isn’t important just so you can showcase a beautifully organized closet to your friends. It’s important so you...
Posted by Major Mom on 09/16/2024
Life on Earth can indeed be full of those “things that ail us,” but many of the endless quick hits for a fix that are constantly offered up are mere placebos, putting us on more of a “deathbed of data” than a road to recovery. But there is a real “prescription” for the suffering and challenges we face on a daily basis. That prescription can be found in the Scriptures; the Word of God. This book will help you drop your excuses and find your answers, get rid of your loneliness and find God's love. This is your answer for removing anxiety and...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 06/19/2024
A grandchild's observation, "Mom-mom, your belly is squishy..."A memory that seems to be on permanent leave...A heart that needs monitoring...A sandwich generation who deals with stinky laundry on one end and toe fungus on the other. A body likened to a leaky tent...Friends and family that keep you laughing and leaking...It's all part of becoming a quinquagenarian--that magical, problematic age between fifty and sixty. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. (Proverbs 31:25 ESV)Although Lisa J. Radcliff has not felt particularly strong or dignified...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 06/09/2024
Do you ever question your worth, question God’s love for you, or compare yourself unfavorably to others? Are you a burden bearer, perfectionist, or struggle with codependency? Are you often overwhelmed, stressed out, or feel “not enough”? Most women can be nurturing to others, but neglect to show the same care for themselves. They can demonstrate much empathy and compassion to the people in their lives, yet berate and even hate themselves. Despite the abundance of resources available to support women's mental health, stress and anxiety levels among women are on the rise....
Posted by Laronda Alexander on 05/23/2024
Do you ever question your worth, question God’s love for you, or compare yourself unfavorably to others? Are you a burden bearer, perfectionist, or struggle with codependency? Are you often overwhelmed, stressed out, or feel “not enough”? Most women can be nurturing to others, but neglect to show the same care for themselves. They can demonstrate much empathy and compassion to the people in their lives, yet berate and even hate themselves. Despite the abundance of resources available to support women's mental health, stress and anxiety levels among women are on the rise....
Posted by Laronda Alexander on 05/21/2024
Does Your Life Bite? Does it seem like your prayers never get answered? Are you wondering where God is in all this? It's like you've gone to war in a flypaper dress, trying to catch each buzzing pest: those swarming problems that keep you from living the full life God has for you. Katherine tackles modern day problems we deal with using the 10 plagues of the Bible and other modern day plagues we deal with now, like thoughts of divorce, obesity, fear, suicide, AIDS, domestic violence, broken hearts, etc. Whether it be physical ailments or broken spirits from bad relationships to...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/09/2024
Are you part of a Book Club? Possibly some of these items will enhance your group's experience. DiAnn Mills - Writer/Speaker - diannmills.com ...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 03/07/2024
When you think of a husband deployed into combat, a spouse called to serve God and people, long seasons of loneliness and solo parenting, a Permanent Change of Station, starting new relationships all over again, and a life that seems constantly on the move and perhaps out of control, chances are you immediately think of the life of a military wife. But there’s another life whose journey has many parallels to these things—and that’s the biblical character of Sarah. Join author and longtime military wife Beth Runkle as she dives into the story of Sarah, offering thirty hope-filled...
Posted by Beth Runkle on 02/16/2024
***The Christian Market Devotional of the Year 2022*** ***Winner of the 2022 Angel Book Awards*** ***Winner of the American Book Fest "Best Book" Award in Two Categories!***Guaranteed to breathe new life into your walk with God, this 90-day devotional—with entries for March, April, and May—will reawaken your spirit through famous quotes, inspirational readings, meaningful prayers, and targeted scriptures. Whether you’re looking for those first signs of new life to burst through the soil, hunting Easter eggs with the kiddos, or seeking a closer relationship with Jesus,...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 01/17/2024
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Families who find themselves enlarged by the blessing of adoption and foster care will be reminded of the sweetness brought to the family unit expanding in this way. In caring for those who need it most, we hope young children see themselves among the pages and will celebrate their family too. With a photo sleeve in the back of the book for their family photo, we believe this book makes a great gift for families of all shapes and sizes. Themes: Meaning of a FamilyNon-biological FamiliesGod's Love for FamilyImportance of Love in RelationshipsAdoption...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 01/17/2024
It's time to stop running on empty and fuel up! Are your tired? Dragging yourself out of bed every morning? Feeling hollow, empty and looking for something to fill you up? Are you like millions of women today…feeling like you’re just running on empty? What are you being refueled by? Television, movies, sex, gossip, the cyber world; fantasy, food, vanity, alcohol, money? Many women today, are Running On E ', using anything and everything they can to try to fill themselves up just to get through another day. The use of quick-fix filthy fuels is causing damage, addiction and...
Posted by Karen McCracken on 10/06/2023
What if your greatest heartbreak catapults you to your greatest growth? Jodi Rosser is no stranger to grief. She loses her best friend to pancreatic cancer, suffers a miscarriage, and endures a heartbreaking divorce. None of her stories get tied up with a red bow, yet God is faithful to bring purpose to her pain. In Depth: Growing through Heartbreak to Strength, Jodi offers hope to anyone with a hurting heart. She encourages you to discover spiritual depth as God redeems your pain. In this book, you will replace the belief that your shattered heart can never be whole with the truth that...
Posted by Jodi Snowdon (Jodi Rosser) on 09/09/2023