While there is a need for in-depth Bible study, there is also beauty found in simplicity. It is with this in mind that Ladybug Women's Ministries has created the Triple E Bible Study method. In the pages of this journal, you will find prompts for suggested Scriptures and blank pages for you to choose your own verses. As you examine the Scripture, read it, and consider it, you will be asked how the verse you’ve chosen encourages you, equips you, and empowers you. Trusting God is available on Amazon . ...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 11/15/2018
In this 5 minute devotion, Shana encourages women to keep trusting God concerning their dreams and the destiny He has called them too. "> ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/30/2018
Even for the follower of Christ, life is not always easy or fair. Yet, Sheryl Giesbrecht has learned, from the depths of past pain, it is possible to be raised up. It is possible to heal. Most importantly, it is possible to exchange hurt for hope. In her inspirational new book, Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down , Sheryl tells her own story. She also uses scripture to tell the stories of so many other Biblical figures who stumbled before they could be helped up. Sheryl’s message is one of hope. Trusting God in the midst of a life turned upside down is essential...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 12/30/2015
Sometimes life is just hard; hard to breathe, hard to laugh, hard to cry and hard to live. No matter what we go through the ultimate element of our survival is trusting in God. Yet, even when we know to trust in Him, do we really do it? Lynnette Appling teaches a gripping, candid and intriguinging message concerning The Heart Of A Woman. She unveils a series of personal insights that exposes the human realities of her Christian walk. By becoming transparent, she allows women to share her expereinces and learn about the integrity and character of God's heart. She answers questions so many...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
Positions of self worth and value are being compromised and destroyed. Every woman has the desire to feel accepted and loved. The desire is so great that we try to satisfy those deep desires by our own means. We rely on self accomplishments such as striving to be a successful business woman, to receive a master’s degree, or to get married and have a family, signifying acceptance into society. Some women rely on their exterior beauty to affirm their importance. However, the impact in the end becomes futile. Our accomplishments and abilities can only carry us so far. Once we fulfill one area,...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 12/15/2015